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Everything posted by zorg_dk

  1. sounds good, so it's time to update my arma2 oa beta patch.. should i get the newest 95099 or 95054? this shit's confusing. :wacko:
  2. to people that miss global chat: i recently started playing on a server with global chat on, and the gameplay is so much better imo. i suggest you go find a server with it enabled, there are some out there.
  3. nice ban those suckers. i hope you got the hacker that killed the whole server ealier today.
  4. I'm not even able to pitch a tent anywhere. What's the trick? I'm in open flat land.
  5. You know, I'll just not use the map marker thing, everybody wins. :)
  6. Sounds good, we were kicked a lot yesterday. I've played on 173, great server, I like sidechat is there. I don't think it's a good idea to have shift-left click on the map markers in Dayz, though. edit: fyi, a hacker had placed a weapons crate at the barn north of elektro yesterday.
  7. zorg_dk

    DayZ Memes

  8. zorg_dk

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    Sounds good, what are we waiting for? Aren't there any server owners who'd like to enable side chat? it's a simple edit in the mission file, right?
  9. The game doesn't have to compute AI for human players. :)
  10. Yeah, the idea of underground bases that we can construct ourselves sounds awesome, setting up defenses would be cool too.
  11. The more players the better. I just played on NL something that had 99 people on it. I think I'll play on that server from now on, lots more encounters up north. :thumbsup: It seemed just as smooth as a good 50 player server.
  12. zorg_dk

    Mountain Dew anyone ?

    Drink it and profit. :D
  13. zorg_dk

    Global chat server?

    I thought it was enjoyable to have side chat back when playing the test build on SE3 and SE4. E.g. people called out for help, other survivors ran to their location and helped them out. Engagements were avoided because groups were able to communicate over longer distances, people could arrange meeting points for trade of gear etc etc. So I think side chat can help to give objectives to people running around up north. Let's either get some servers with sidechat enabled, or maybe BIS could add a "subscribe to global chat enable/disable" function in the menu. For some of us the chat isn't ruing immersion, the lack of it makes the game world dull and boring when it's restricted to direct chat.
  14. Thx for the headsup, it was a great interview. :thumbsup:
  15. zorg_dk

    Start us off with NOTHING please

    +2 no starting backpack
  16. zorg_dk

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    No crossbow?
  17. zorg_dk

    Dont Shoot a Player Day Truce!!

    I'm in. :) I only shoot in self defense, so I wouldn't have to change my play style. Do all 500.000 users agree to this? Ok, it's settled then. :P
  18. zorg_dk

    Experimental test patch

    Just played on SE3. No player lag, no loot spawning problems, alive zed count was around 870 running around in Cherno. I noticed crawlers didn't move, but they stood up and attacked when I got close. Some other zeds didn't move either.Cities drain a lot of fps, but that's not new I suppose. Also, it was very quick to load in . It was good to see sidechat enabled, I guess that's because it's a test build SE3 ran. Though, why not keep it enabled on some of the servers? (I'm gonna keep bitching about this lol). It's useful to communicate over long distances, and it can be amusing to watch it while running around in the wild.
  19. zorg_dk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This build seems nice, I like the new zombie behavior, well done. I did experience a lot of heavy lag, and some frozen zombies on some of the Norway servers. I had 1 zombie spawn right in front of me too. Now, we just need a proper long view distance, instead of that ultra short one. And some global chat enabled servers.
  20. zorg_dk

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    Same, can't join, tried for 1hour. 3 times I got frozen in a debug area.
  21. I'd recommend ArmA 2 with ACE and ACRE mods - way more interesting PvP then DayZ. Yup, ACE+ACRE radio mod+JSRS sound mod+Blastcore gfx mod = Premium Arma2 experience.
  22. Insurgency is so boring to me. I'd say go for some organized warfare tvt.