Then I'll just do this app thingy, now. Yoski, ArmA name: Adam or Gendori Email: Gender: Male Age-Country/State/Province/Territory/Etc, & Timezone: 17, a month till I'm 18. United States, Maine, EST timezone. Available Hours: Anytime after 3 for weekday (Unless something comes up) For weekend it's anytime (Again, unless something comes up) How long have played DayZed: Well, I just got back into it today, played for a little bit. Before, I played it for months then took a break. Wanted Position: Scout, Sniper/Soldier, or anything that needs to be filled. Wanted Weapon (Be Realistic): Anything that kills me some Zombies. Skills: Honestly, this might sound weird but ADD/ADHD, I can multitask without needing to worry or think about it, when doing anything. I have half-decent aim, and I can listen and do stuffs well, and I can speak pretty well Engrish. Yes, that was on purpose. Weaknesses: Hackers and Lag spikes Skype/TS/Ventrillo/Steam: Skype is Gendori1. TS I can download. Ventrillo, I have to download again. Steam is Gendori Additional Details: I'm an easy going guy. I am never serious, I like to crack jokes all the time, even when it's supposed to be a serious time, I just enjoy having fun and getting the most enjoyment out of a game or anything I do by cracking jokes and having a good time. I may never be serious, but I can be slightly serious if the time calls for it, other than that, you'll see me goofing off and having a grand 'ol time, but that doesn't mean I'd not do my job or anything, cause I would. I would just make it fun, ya know? Oh! I also like pie! Pie is awesome! Byes.