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the13th (DayZ)

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About the13th (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somerset, England.
  • Interests
    Photography, Military Aviation.
  1. the13th (DayZ)

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    Lipmr, the mil does use other ammo besides fmj, just not too often. And jacketed rounds will only go through a body at danger close ranges, where velocities are still high. Most rounds, 5.56 included, are designed to tumble when hitting anything moist like flesh, so as to cause maximum damage through ripping of the flesh along with hydraulic shock, tumbling also allows the round to impart all its energy to the target before it leaves the body, therefore ensuring the round has the greatest chance of not passing through. One shot kill of the instant variety?? The only place to guarantee that, and it will work with smaller calibres, is at the base of the skull and top of spine. From side and rear, aim level with ear lobes at top of spine, from front aim just below nose. This severs the spinal cord, and hydro shock makes a mess of brain stem. Death almost instantaneous. Implementing that in the game i imagine may be relatively hard??
  2. the13th (DayZ)

    Worst Private Hive EVER (racism)

    Extremely dispicable. Surely that should not be a factor when we are all doing something enjoyable, playing a game together. Certainly a server i will NOT be visiting. Hopefully something will be done about this in an official capacity. In the meantime, chin up - there are many other servers that will welcome you, and i hope that this is just a single rogue in the server lists. I hope. . . .
  3. the13th (DayZ)

    Stuck at the Takistan picture at "0"

    Just a shot in the dark here mate, but are you patched up to the latest level? I was stuck on that screen when trying to join wasteland servers until i realized i wasnt patched properly. If nothing else, it might be something to consider. Hope your problem gets resolved soon.
  4. the13th (DayZ)

    What is the best DayZ map so far?

    1: Chern. 2: Fallujah. 3: Taki
  5. the13th (DayZ)

    Why always Russia

    And as an aside, i think we are quite blessed with different terrains for the mod, due to some wonderfully talented people. I for one am more than happy with the map types we have right now.
  6. the13th (DayZ)

    Why always Russia

    Predominantly urban. . . Im sure theres a Fallujah for that.
  7. the13th (DayZ)

    Campfire Songs?

    Maca, you legend! Beanz sir! :beans:
  8. the13th (DayZ)

    Campfire Songs?

    When the poo hits the fan for me, i cant help humming "always look on the bright side of life" by that monty python fella. Makes me smile. But a close second is the Benny Hill theme tune, lol.
  9. the13th (DayZ)

    Scared the crap out of me....

    "Big trouble in little Cherno". . . .
  10. the13th (DayZ)


    . . . Or if the beans become too much . . .
  11. the13th (DayZ)

    namalsk gauss gun question

    Think the fastest homebuilt (but it was a two stage gun) projectile was clocked at around 1900mps, efficiency of around 12%. You need a fair bit of cash and a real grasp of electrickery to churn out an multistage version, with velocities in the 3 - 6km/sec range, but perfectly possible mate. First timer homebuilt? You could expect muzzle velocities higher than basically all high power conventional rifles. Seriously, have a look around on the web, i was surprised to find what i did.
  12. the13th (DayZ)

    namalsk gauss gun question

    I suggest a google search for "homebuilt rail gun" then . . . . You can use capacitors from flash cameras or old tube tv sets . . . The average person is perfectly capable of constructing a low efficiency, single stage gun. Wont be a world beater, but it will be a rail gun, and you wont need a battleship for it.
  13. the13th (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    And the Israeli military frequently use women combatants in front line and special forces roles. Them scary!!!! Lol
  14. the13th (DayZ)

    namalsk gauss gun question

    The gauss, or rail gun, is current technology that is still in its infancy. The point about zero "bullet" drop is accurate, as the projectile is moving so fast, that over typical engagement distances, there is no percieved drop at all, and because of the velocities, time of flight is not even worth considering. Everything classed as a projectile suffers from gravity, its just the velocity of forward motion that dictates drop over a certain distance. They will all fall at the same rate, but if your gauss projectile gets to the target before an m107 round, when fired at the same time, due to the much slower speed of the 107 round, it has had enough time to fall further.
  15. the13th (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Im afraid you are wrong there. There are many front line women, also in the air force (i specifically remember F-15E units), they are also in the AH-64 units, many air roles. I personally have worked alongside women JTAC's somewhere warm and sandy, and there was plenty of lead in the air. They are just as capable. From 2011 - http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/05/flying-combat-landing-history/