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About hydrochetta

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  1. hydrochetta

    Add a player/prey tracking system

    It would be excellent if there was a form of tracking so players could hunt prey or other players. I seen a video on YouTube where Brian Hicks discussed a skill based system and I am not exactly sure whether tracking would fall into the same category or if it could simply be done with something as simple as footprints with a duration until they vanish. But either way players can generally tell if a building is looted because of doors being left open and this would add to the ways of being able to locate players. Stalking players is truly one of the best experiences in Dayz and I believe a tracking system would add depth to one of the most appealing DayZ experiences. It would allow heroes to hunt down bandits and it would allow bandits to hunt their prey.
  2. The Epoch mod expands on Dayz and provides a little more end-game content, for lack of a better phrase. It allows the game to expand passed the frustration of not only being relentlessly killed by bandits and beginning anew but this would really start to emphasize on a trading system. This would give players a reason to associate with other players to either trade or work together to build a small community amongst their clan or just on their server. Avoiding NPC traders is essential because DayZ is truly based on its' player interactions between one another so this would also make trusting other people more essential. It would allow players the option to either build a secluded safe haven for themselves and maybe a few other people or the player could work together with others to make a much larger safe haven maybe in one of the towns or in an open field by using in-game static items that they could spawn, say a miltary sandbag fort or military steel wall. The game is great don't get me wrong, but the game could evolve to a much more sophistcated version of all of its' counterparts that are all obviously doing so well.
  3. Any Dayz server hosts that use skype willing to answer several questions? I am installing a clean install of Arma 2 and all the good rights now. I will be hosting my server for a small group of friends and others in a private community.
  4. I asked the server help rep if he could block a particular port for me on the server side, he responded, "I am not sure, to be honest with you. Go ahead and try it - let me know." This tells me he knows nothing technically about his servers, he must just simply pay for them from another company. Not a company I would feel safe with. I followed up by telling them I did not properly research the product I purchased from survivalservers.com, I asked for a refund politely and this morning I woke up to an invoice in my email telling me I had received 2 refunds, one for my server and the Dayz tools also sold for $5. The immediate refund gives me a great impression of this company, for me personally, but the lack of understanding about the server ports blew me away. I would not rent a server from these guys. I am interested in learning how to setup a VPS, can anyone point me in the right direction?
  5. I asked the server help rep if he could block a particular port for me on the server side, he responded, "I am not sure, to be honest with you. Go ahead and try it - let me know." This tells me he knows nothing technically about his servers, he must just simply pay for them from another company. Not a company I would feel safe with. I followed up by telling them I did not properly research the product I purchased from survivalservers.com, I asked for a refund politely and this morning I woke up to an invoice in my email telling me I had received 2 refunds, one for my server and the Dayz tools also sold for $5. The immediate refund gives me a great impression of this company, for me personally, but the lack of understanding about the server ports blew me away. I would not rent a server from these guys. I am interested in learning how to setup a VPS, can anyone point me in the right direction?
  6. Is there any way to get a refund? Possibly through paypal?
  7. Lol, should I have of gone with Dayz.st?
  8. I just rented a server for my first time, I am new to the whole process and to be completely honest I have not the slightest idea what I am doing, kind of winging it you could say. Lol, well I know that the community for this game is excellent and if I reach out in the right places I will soon be off and running. Does anyone have any experience with the server hosting site called survivalservers.com? My server is listed in the server list when I search for it in-game but it is listed as being in the creation process. When I visit the website it tells me status is pending, so I imagine I still have to wait, just excited and impatient all at once. Now that brings me to my next question, is there anyone here that could point me in the right direction to familiarize myself with TCAdmin? Any help on any of the given questions would be appreciated. Also, can any server be setup base building?
  9. I have a few questions reguarding hosting a server. I have recently started playing Dayz and I have noticed everywhere I go there seems to be hackers. I enjoy the game a lot and want to play online with my friends, I am willing to pay to rent a server. I want to be able to level the playing field and make the game more enjoyable for the people in my private hive community. I am mainly curious about the abilities of the admin. I am currently looking at Dayz.st but they are out of available slots so I am now looking at verthosting as well survivalservers. I am not familiar with any type of server hosting so the TCAdmin looks highly confusing at first glance, this too makes the Dayz.st control panel very appealing because it seems to be a little more simple. I would like to ask a few people who do currently host servers with TCAdmin, what type of capabilities do you have using this program? I am not really interested in exploiting other players by being this ultimate bandit but rather setup camp sites with item spawns there that I put there intentionally so they can find a lot of nice gear at once. I would like to make the progression a little bit faster on my server by being able to spawn items and vehicles at any given time. I am also wondering what type of control do I have over kicking hackers? Sorry about the wall of text but this is all new to me and I just want to cover all my bases before I spend any money. I know I will most likely get flamed for even mentioning item/vehicle spawn but these are features included when purchasing a server, so please avoid those types of comments.