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Everything posted by Avallanche

  1. Let the madness begin... Not saying I'm against or anything, but I think these mods maybe gonna put some extra pression over the SA dev team. I didn't figure out yet if it is a good or a bad thing.
  2. Avallanche

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Awesome!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!! Maybe some of us (with crappy pc's) can have more stable FPS with our client handling less zombies. And less zigzag zombies, even considering it will not be perfect (because ARMA 2 AI), you guys deserve some serious beans!!!! :beans: Sad that I have to work EXACTLY now. :(
  3. This needs some footage. lol
  4. Avallanche

    Hotfix Looking for Testers

    I'm really excited by this hotfix! Less zig zag zombies FTW!
  5. I have a full apple keyboard (the latest desktop one, with numpad) and can't find a way. Already tried "FN+shift+F12" and nothing. Anyone has the same one?
  6. You sir, deserve my beans. :beans: After adjust correctly the FOV, I'm having a fresh new experience and SO much better performance. Thanks a lot!
  7. Avallanche Appreciation Thread

    After all the whining about the latest patch, I took a look last night. Didn't find THAT harsh as other players around. A little disapointed with some stuff, a little happy with others. Again, I think people just cry too much about this game/mod. If it's different now, just get used to it. Really liked the new ammunition models.
  8. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I'm just amazed.
  9. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I'm about to freak out. For real.
  10. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

  11. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I have some work to do either. Dayz = priority. Why? Because zombies.
  12. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    We don't really know. I believe it's a regular dev blog post, but featuring this video. #onecanonlyhope
  13. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I was about to give up. Now I MUST wait.
  14. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Let's hope youtube's rendering. For the sake of Toxiclegend's sleep, lol.
  15. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    If it's rendering, so he still have to upload it to youtube, right? Who needs to sleep anyway...
  16. Avallanche

    Epeen Monitor

    Monitor with Blood, zombie kills, humanity, etc.
  17. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    One axe and a big mac.
  18. Avallanche

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    It's almost "tomorrow" in Prague. :(
  19. Avallanche

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    Idk... As Rocket said, the game will be focused more into civilian guns and less military. IMHO, I think sniper rifles should be extremely rare.
  20. Avallanche

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    I think you gonna be very disapointed with SA. The way things are being showed up by the dev team, I believe we will not be able to simply run into a big city agroing every zombie in the line of sight and loot every building in 5 minutes as we do now in the mod. I was discussing this with a friend, and we figure out a lot of players will suffer with this (stealth or die). Maybe the community can't be that patient to start again with such a badass learning curve. We'll see.
  21. You had a fuel leaking glitch. To fix it, you need to repair all the windscreeens glasses.
  22. Avallanche

    Day Z lagging. Help!

    I have a Radeon 6870 and have same FPS as the OP. But my CPU is a Core2Quad Q9400 (2.67ghz). In some crowded servers, it's almost unplayable.
  23. Avallanche

    Framerate in cities

    Can anyone confirm the fact that in "high" or "very high" settings, the GPU take over the CPU processing stuff? Cause I have a HD 6870, but my CPU is a core2quad Q9400. My friend`s laptop (i7 + 630m + 6gb ram) can get less fps drop in cherno or electro than me.