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About redundant

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  1. I'm interested in doing some voice acting. I can pm you an example of my voice if you like.
  2. redundant

    The DayZ Project Episode 2

    Alyssa is back for more fun as Tom continues to try and introduce her to the harsh world of Day Z. Please feel free to leave any feedback or comments you wish to contribute.
  3. Hello all and welcome to the DayZ Project done by Twonk Hammer Entertainment. Alyssa is introduced to the scary world of DayZ with the guidance of Tom and, eventually, joined by Karl. Lots of screaming to be had - Alyssa is not fond of Zombies... Please feel free to leave a comment. All feedback is appreciated. Note: I am aware I was wrong with a few things and they will be corrected in a later episode.
  4. redundant

    Seriously Pissed off!

    Dayz Rules Number 1 - Never loot anything you aren't willing to lose.
  5. redundant

    Weird Encounter, ghosts in game?!?

    If you see a white model it could potentially be a zombie who's textures haven't quite loaded up correctly. It does eventually right itself just takes time. However, I really do hope there are ghosts in this game. That would be fantastic. They don't have to do anything like hurt anyone just have them there for atmosphere. Nothing scarier than running through the countryside at night and you see a black shadow chasing you.
  6. redundant

    A good thing going bad.

    Step 1: Run Inland Step 2: Don't break legs Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit
  7. Welcome to Alpha. A place where you test changes that the creator/dev team implement and give feedback. However, to give feedback you actually have to test for more than 5 minutes. If you do not like such conditions it is encouraged for you to stop playing the Alpha version and await for the beta or full release. Thank you for reading.
  8. YES We're here to test this mod. Lets test it. It will make stealth so much more important at the start. And with the fix that you can actually lose zeds its an interesting thought. Downside is your every single new person is easy pickings for a bandit with a gun. And you can't do jack about it.
  9. redundant

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    For me it depends if I'm with someone or not. If I have a group with me, we'll brace the coastal cities. Raiding the usual places, hospital, church, cafe, shop etc... If I'm on my own I tend to head inland and start looking for supplies in one of the woodland villages or smaller towns. I'm more than happy with a winchester, food, water and maybe if i'm lucky a knife, matches, and a compass. Thats normally enough for me to make my way up north to join up with my mates.
  10. redundant

    The Running Man

    There are darker more sinister things in the wilds than zeds and humans.
  11. redundant

    All/General Chat

    Yea before anyone even thinks about removing the general (blue chat) Direction chat needs to work.
  12. redundant

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Patch Notes tend to come when the game files have been updated.
  13. redundant


    You know thats a really interesting suggestion. Again I'm not sure if its possible. I would imagine they wouldn't stay too long to avoid blood being splattered all over the landscape but I like it :)
  14. redundant

    Beach respawns..

    Welcome to what an Alpha is. Stuff like this happens unfortunately. I don't think its a bug more that something came up on the database side and it had to be reset. Probably due to the huge amount of players joining. Just got to grit your teeth and bare sorry man.
  15. redundant

    Player Revival

    I'm all for this. There is nothing worse than a group member dying to a glitch or a sniper and you can't do anything. He has to start at the coast again and he has the 1-2 hour trek back up north. As people have said it encourages people grouping together. Also will make Blitzy useful :P