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About artemisdimikaelo

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  1. artemisdimikaelo

    Proof that bags are too small

    Pfft. Same thing mostly... if Military grade packs make a difference, why aren't soldiers carrying around 5 M2's in their backpack then? ^This. I'm one of the people who challenges myself by using only a Czech Vest Pouch as my backpack :D. Because, Rocket knew people would complain otherwise that they have to hike a Main Rot. to the heli, let alone find it first. I personally have no problem with carrying the Main Rot. maybe as a Primary, to make it seem like you're using both hands. Personally I'm tired of the helicopter bandits anyways, maybe if this were implemented, we'd have a chance to find ONE helicopter. Maybe once. Heck... I've already found four Mountain Dews, two antibiotics, and multiple NVGs: no helicopter yet, because of derps hiding it on the edge of the map or an island or something...
  2. artemisdimikaelo

    Proof that bags are too small

    Well you try to stuff that kinda stuff into an elementary school backpack. Guarantee all that won't fit. And it's like that Chuck Norris stuff too: I bet we can all stop hatchets with our hand, because Chuck Norris can stop a chainsaw with his hand.
  3. artemisdimikaelo

    Looking for someone to help me create a DayZ Private Hive server!

    I think I could help you set up one. I've done a couple of servers (on other games) before, so I'm pretty sure my internet won't hate me for setting up one. I really would like to set up one, since my friend and I are getting annoyed by all the idiots running amok in normal DayZ.
  4. artemisdimikaelo

    Selling M14 AIm + Mags.

    While I would die to have an M14, which is my most favorite weapon of all-time history, I wouldn't give THAT much over it. I mean, seriously, you're asking for like, endgame equipment for a weapon that you can find at a firestation. Might as well throw in a Helicopter or two while we're at it xD But seriously, no. Maybe for something smaller. I do have an AS50, ammo for it, NVGs, and a coyote. But not for that small of a trade.
  5. IMPOSSIBRU! But yeh the shooting through the heli's a good idea.
  6. *old man voice* In mah old days of anti-mah-terial snahpin', I learned this: If you want to salvage/rescue the heli afterwards, you CANNOT do it if they're already in the air. Most DayZ pilots haven't learned how to emergency land correctly, and if they're REALLY high, then it's very unlikely that the heli is going to land in one piece. Instead the most prominent option is to kill the pilot while the heli is still grounded. If you can't see him, try to guess his seat location and shoot through the heli at him. If he doesn't seem to be dying, then of course, aim at the top part of the heli and spam until either the engine or MRotor gives out. Tip: Do not disable the tailrotor. If you do, the heli is likely to simply spin out and crash; most DayZ pilots also don't know how to control spinning helis either.
  7. artemisdimikaelo

    How to Make A Proper Transaction With Bandits

    Seems great, but is there a guide that shows me how to this without killing myself :D?
  8. artemisdimikaelo

    The M24, Gentleman's Rifle

    Yes... but DayZ more than returns with ambient sounds, the realistic portrayal of bullets, and the feeling that if you decide to sprint across to that airfield, you're going to die. Albeit a few physics glitches, the namely cause of some of my deaths, I still think it's little to sacrifice for such a wondrous mod already.
  9. artemisdimikaelo

    The M24, Gentleman's Rifle

    This... this man deserves over a million cans of beans. You have mine, at least. I admit, the Enfield does quite good. Its bullets barely drop until about 500m, and even then. It's a great rifle for anyone who thinks the sniper scopes are too powerful for usage but at the same time wants a pretty powerful rifle. Also for bolt action fans. And 'classic army' fans. Trust me, we do not need more removal of weapons from the game. Still, people cry foul over weapons they get fairly killed by - .50 Cals, DMR spammers... eventually the game will be reduced to people running around throwing rocks at each other. I personally like the DMR, since I'm a pretty good shot, and if the first shot doesn't knock them out, the second shot will and potentially kill them. Also helps to eliminate combat loggers. Now I'm pretty sure OPFOR in real life don't complain about the real-life U.S. and British M82/M107 and the AS50. Mostly because they're dead before they can complain about the overpowered-ness of that weapon. Seriously, if the weapon in-game performs like it does in real life, we shouldn't be complaining. Besides, I feel awesome when I shoot down a helicopter with a single M107 round. The point of the enfield is that it DOESN'T have a scope. That's the novelty of it. A scoped enfield is the M24 basically. Use it instead. ^This. Sadly though this is ArmA2... :( Joking, I don't really care about the animation myself. Correct, the DMR is a bit inaccurate at long range, and you have to be pretty experienced with its mil-dots. The M24 is DEAD ACCURATE, and so I prefer it for hardcore sniping. That's why the enfield was is here :). Just have an Enfield and maybe binoculars and you're set.