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Everything posted by Walshy71

  1. Walshy71

    DayZ Mod Update

    I agree with you on all points mate! Zombies are STILL glitchy as hell, adding in new stuff, abilities and gear is great but the ZOmbies are at the core of this mod/game, they should have the same constraints regarding physics as players. Zombies SHOULD most definately NOT be able to walk through solid objects, like walls, gates, the shelves and counters in supermarkets, etc. They SHOULD not be able to walk on water when they've caught up with you while swimming! (Yes allowed a zombie to do that old one whilst testing last night!) It shoulld be a lot harder for Zombies to spot and hear you through solid walls as you would think solid walls give you cover, i.e. hiding you from sight and mask your sound? But no, no chance with that! ZOMBIES ARE STILL BUGGED AND GLITCHY! Sorry but the new things added by the patch is great don't get me wrong but zombies, in my opinion, should have been worked on more! Fix the bugs and glitches please then more content!