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Everything posted by Bansidhe

  1. I can't see any sign of either of them having a SCAR (though I might be missing it). It looks to me that they both have M110_TWS, the only reference to SCAR I can see is ammo - "20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR". Don't know if this changes anything about your post but hey.
  2. Listening to it in my headset I am fairly sure that a split second after he has died I can hear the metallic "clink" sound of an AS.50 despite the fact that the first shot was a DMR round (so DMR or M14 AIM). Also why do you think the first shot came from the right? The crack as the bullet breaks the sound barrier is right of him but when the sound of the shot reaches him it definitely sounds like it came from his left to me. EDIT: Listened to it several times now and yes, definitely an AS.50 shot right at the end of the video. With this being the case it also calls into question the OP's perception that he (and later his friend) were killed with a single shot to the head. The AS.50 is a one shot kill wherever it hits, it doesn't require a headshot at all.
  3. I feel like I am missing something here. How did the sniper in the video cause you to lose all that? You certainly weren't carrying anything like that and I presume you didn't drive 2 UAZs, a Ural and an ATV up to the NEAF just to loot. I fail to see the connection. I have watched the video closely several times now but can see no signs of foul play. No offence intended but it seems to me like you are determined to believe it was a hacker. Based on the video evidence alone my money would be on bens as the killer. I know in your previous post that you said that "Bens was alone, but he was complaining about Cherno." but I have my doubts. He types in chat twice in that video and on both occasions it is straight after you "talk" to the bandit. On the first occasion he asks if anyone needs blood, a nicely friendly comment to throw you off scent. Then later when you ask "Who is at NEAF" he asks for blood to be brought to the power plant at N. Elektro (I thought he was in Cherno?) but either way he is the only one who responded and he did so by telling you he was nowhere near NEAF. Personally I honestly think you just got played.
  4. How do you know the other "3" were in Elektro? I put the 3 in inverted commas as I noticed that at timestamp 4.52 you check the player list and there are SIX people on the server: xZzebuZz Sneaky Ninja bens Poizen you (Major Tom) danny SIX people, not five.
  5. Bansidhe

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    You think it's bad at that point - you should see how bad things get a week later!
  6. The NAKED truth about our WAITRESSES is they only FLIRT WITH YOU for tips.
  7. Bansidhe

    Is this part of DayZ?

    The map is normal if you rent a private server, I don't know why the guys in the other thread didn't realise what you were talking about, but yea it's part of the admin tools for private hive admin. I don't think it's a tool that the public server admin get, but not 100% sure on that.
  8. Bansidhe

    How strong is an SUV?

    While I can't answer the hacker question or indeed the one about the SUV I can tell you this... there are better servers to play on if the admin are treating the players like that. If they are using their admin tools (they will have a map that can show current player locations) to find and kill players then, well, quite frankly they don't deserve any players on their server. Check out the private hive discussion, there are lots of servers listed and many have honest admin that won't cheat like that. I know Balota Buddies, for example, has a good reputation or (shameless plug) you could try The Winchester.
  9. I can understand them not really wanting to be associated with a game that may include cannibalism (even if in many cases Long-Pig would be an improvement on their product) - Baked Beings anyone?
  10. If you are drinking to forget please pay in advance.
  11. Normal service resumed. Open for business.
  12. Our host brewery is currently experiencing technical delivery difficulties. Normal service will resume shortly.
  13. Happy New Year! from all the staff at The Winchester Tavern At this festive time of year remember these wise, old words... Beer is not a matter of life & death. It's much more important than that.
  14. Alcohol never solves any problems. But, then again, neither does milk.
  15. Bar Credit Available. Applicants must be 85 or over and accompanied by both parents.
  16. Husband Day Care Centre Have a day out scavenging and looting without hubby getting under your feet. Just leave him with us and collect at the end of the day. Excellent value - you only pay for his beer!
  17. Rock the night away with our fabulous jukebox Top choices include.... I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor She's Not There - The Zombies Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler Zombie - The Cranberries The Bandit - Jerry Reed Kernkraft 400 - Zombie Nation Don't Stop Me Now - Queen ...and many more.
  18. Bansidhe

    What do i do !!!!!!

    Thank you so much for this. Your vast intellect shines through like a beacon of hope for all mankind.
  19. A selection of fine Whiskey now available Glenfiddich Glenlivet Laphroaig Johnny Walker Jim Beam Jack Daniels - SOLD OUT
  20. FREE Mumble server. BEER on draught.
  21. Pub Grub Now Being Served Specials Menu Cooked Meat & Beans Franks & Beans Sardines & Beans Pasta & Beans Beans & Beans Spam & Beans Sorry, no Spam.
  22. Polite Notice Please don't ask for credit as a high-velocity round to the face often offends.
  23. Bansidhe

    Stupidity is punishable...

    ...or make sure you have enough ammo beforehand.
  24. Bansidhe

    New server for forum!

    Scribebat hoc in AD73. Nunquid apparuit adhuc? +1
  25. Bansidhe

    Something to be aware of

    As an admin of a private server I watched the posted video with a mixture of amazement and bemusement. I knew I had the tools to spawn/repair vehicles at will and I knew I had the tools to see where people were at any one time but I did not know about the spawning weapons thing. Having watched it all it left me with one question. Why on earth would anybody want to do that? Surely it just removes any and all fun from the game? I just don't understand what the point of doing anything like that would be. Surely you would do that a couple of times, realise the game had suddenly become boring and not in the least bit enjoyable and go off and find another game to play? It's not even like it's an instant "I win" button because, in reality, it's cheating and thus not winning. I will openly admit that I do occasionally use the map to watch others on my server but not while I am logged in as that would give me an advantage. I occasionally do it to monitor things to ensure fair play (and because it is a little fascinating to see how others play) but that is all. As for spawning/repairing vehicles I will admit that I have done that too. When I first rented the server I removed some of the bicycles and added some cars close to the coast for players to find. I will also repair a vehicle if it has been "eaten" by a glitchy server restart for example but if you crash your chopper, or whatever, you can fix it yourself. The same goes for me. So much of this game is predicated on trying to stay safe whilst running around collecting whatever resources you need for your current endeavour, be that finding high-end weapons to kill people with or enough vehicle parts to fix up whatever vehicle, that to do all that with just a click of the mouse makes the whole experience pretty much redundant. In my opinion if you (ab)use the admin tools as demonstrated in the video then, ultimately, you are just being a fool to yourself.