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About iorewtq

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    On the Coast

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  1. iorewtq

    Will DayZ Stadalone Survive ?

    Guys, let's keep the subject on DayZ please. I don't want this turning into DayZ vs WarZ, there's no point..
  2. iorewtq

    Will DayZ Stadalone Survive ?

    From the posts that I've read so far, it seems that the most damage is done by the private hive servers (not the competition as I first thought), that currently are segmenting the community. I'm guessing they can't be stopped either. Maybe my concern is not valid so far, but I've seen a lot of game releases, multiplayer only that have failed on Steam because of a high price point, so maybe if the price is good, it will attract everyone to the standalone side ? I can only hope..
  3. I'm kinda scared for the fact that I have a similar configuration as yours, also running at 1680 x 1050 and I am waiting for the stadalone version. You can only get 40 fps on that configuration ? Something must be wrong, I sure hope so.. :|
  4. I remember back in the day, DayZ was everywhere, pretty much everyone was playing it. Twitch.tv (streaming website) had a ton of people streaming DayZ, same thing on Youtube (videos). Lately I've seen the "DayZ Phenomenon" has died down quite a bit, although some people still make videos/stream the mod, they are way less then before. I guess my question is, will DayZ Standalone survive after it's release ? Or has the hype died a while ago ? Is it because of the competition (the other Z) ?
  5. Hopefully it won't be released this year, that way it can get more polish. Extra time should give us a better product in the end, if not I can already hear the cry babies, "omg it has bugs" (duh..)