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About ApocrolisWitness

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Yellowstone, MT
  • Interests
    Guns, Shooting, Video Games, Life, Athiesm

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  • Bio
    Hello, I am a 25 year old firearms instructor and range master. I have experience with a wide range of weapons and have training and knowledge in their use in self defense, force on force, and hunting applications. I also enjoy a wide variety of video game titles and genres. I just finished an 8 year contract in the military. I also enjoy most types of music their are of coarse exclusions.
  1. IP: Port: 6802 Looking for some people to populate the server, clans welcome, streamer friendly (have the mod installed so you can turn off death messages and side chat if you know how), Active friendly admin (looking for more as the server grows). Heros, Bandits, and Survivors welcome! (hackers need not apply) Currently working on: Adding more Custom Vehicle Spawns Community Building(need your help on this!!!) Working on adding in bases for regular groups who frequent the server Newly added: Sarges A.I.
  2. ApocrolisWitness

    Umm really low fps on high end gaming rig?

    kinda makes you feel like you wasted your money i bet, i had the same problem now i can get a solid 45-50 fps after messing with my settings and stuff.
  3. ApocrolisWitness

    What do you do when annoying Aussie wont shut up ...

    i say you wasted your time...
  4. ApocrolisWitness

    Help No Aggro!

    the eating and drinking not happening is probably from lag, and hackers can't change your game files unless you download something from them, and zombies are just stupid sometimes...often they agro on me from far away like 200m other times i can run rite into them and they won't agro.
  5. ApocrolisWitness

    You were kicked off the game.

    your ping is probably to high, some servers kick for to high of ping. try and find a server you get a better ping on.
  6. ApocrolisWitness

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    most yes, others are well camoed so that any glint won't show up.
  7. ApocrolisWitness

    graphical settings

    yes i found what i was looking for i guess this thread can be deleted/experimented on/what ever happens to threads that have no purpose anymore.
  8. ApocrolisWitness

    1 lucky night

    I was cruising around seaching industrial areas for parts to fix up a chopper with one of my squad mates, and he decides to go afk in the back of the car...someone popped out of the bushes while we were driving down a dirt road and shot at us disabling our vehicle. luckly we were near a town and he go massive zombie agro, being scared out of my mind at this point i jump out of the vehicle and open fire on him breaking his leg and his tail of friends start munching on him and eat him. i managed to get a nice m4 with cco, coyote backpack, gps, range finder, and some industrial parts we were looking for :D.
  9. ApocrolisWitness

    graphical settings

    didn't see any but had a friendly pm from someone directing me to a site that listed changed i could make to the config files to improve fps, as well as what was needed for changes on my vid card. thanks.
  10. ApocrolisWitness

    graphical settings

    hardly the demeanor i would expect from someone who is supposed to be part of the "forum team"...try and act more professional maybe. half of what you said is neither constructive or necissary, and you could have left it at "try looking in the new player stickies. you could find some useful information in their regarding your question..." no need to be an ass hat.
  11. ApocrolisWitness

    graphical settings

    hey guys i thought i saw a post that made suggestions on tweaks to make the game run smoother. my search turned up nothing if anyone can point me in the correct direction please assist me :)
  12. if you have the internet you can stream it off of several websites, and i'm sure you have at least one friend with cable or satellite that will let you come over for an hour to watch the best show ever!
  13. ApocrolisWitness

    looking for people to play with

    Skype: ApocrolisWitness I'm a noob, but also above your age requirement so I think that balances things out :)
  14. a true fan would already know this happened, not knowing it did is punishable by death in my book. no excuse for not seeing an episode the minute it airs.