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About D PEAR

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    On the Coast
  1. D PEAR


    Application: D PEAR Age: 15 Prefered Position: Support (Preferably Combat Medic) Previous Clans (if applicable): Battalion Landing Team Time spent playing DayZ: Around 7 months Timezone: EST Time able to be dedicated to clan: At least 3 hours a day, except on every other weekend Time spent playing ARMA II: 9 months Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): N/A Acceptance of Clan rules: I accept the clan rules. Working microphone: Yes. Country: North America Steam account name: D PEAR Military Background (if applicable): N/A Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I have spent a lot of time playing DayZ, but ever since my old clan shut down, I haven't been in many groups other than maybe two of my friends. I will be getting upgrades to my PC soon, so I plan to play a lot more often, so would like to have a group of people to play it with. The old clan I was in was also based off the marines, with many of the same tactics, so this one caught my interest.
  2. Age: 15 Country of Origin: United States English Skills: Fluent. Dayz Experience: About 8 months. Do you have DayZ Origins: Running on a new hard-drive-downloading as I'm typing this. Do you have Teamspeak and a functional Microphone: Yes. Sometimes my mic is a bit quiet, looking to buy a new one within the month. How active are you: Monday and Wednesday-Thursday from 5-11 PM EST, and every other weekend.
  3. How is blood bagging not realistic? I'm honestly curious, I'm not smart when it comes to medical things.
  4. D PEAR

    Closed (Delete) (Post for Details)

    1. Age: 14 2. Experience in DayZ: Been playing for about a month, and have loved it ever since. 3. Past DayZ Clans (If any): N/A 4. Gender: Male 5. Previous Military Experience (You will be Tested and Verified if you have any)None 6. Prefered Job within the Unit (Platoon CO, Squad Leader, Scout Sniper, Etc):Rifleman or Helicopter Pilot 7. Are you willing to download any Map that we require you to have?: Yes 8. Do you Accepted all of our Rules and Requirements?: Yes 9. What Game are you Applying for?: DayZ 10. Country: USA 11. Timezone (EST, MST, Etc)EST 12. Method of Communication (Steam Preferred):Steam, TeamSpeak, or Skype 13. Do you have Integrity?: Yes 14. Are you Dedicated and Motivated?:Yes 15. Time to dedicate to BLT 3/2: 24+ hrs/week 16. What do you Bring to BLT 3/2?: An active player, and someone who will follow and trust his leader to the end. 17. Why do you wish to join BLT 3/2?: I've never played in a DayZ clan, and I think it would be a lot of fun 18. What do you hope to accomplish with us?: Get better at DayZ, and also learn leadership and tactics. 19. Hooah or Oorah?: Oorah 20. Preferred Method of play (Assault Oriented or Defensively Orientated): A bit of both, but mostly defensive 21. Realism name (FOLLOW THE FORMAT: Firstinitial. "Nickname" Lastname): D. "D PEAR" Perry
  5. I was in a server, just starting out, third day of playing Day Z, and I decided to try out banditry on this server. About ten minutes in my PC froze, and when it came back, I was halfway down a mountain with broken legs. I didn't have painkillers, so I used my morphine to get up. I look in the side chat to see somebody ask if anyone had seen his tan pickup truck. I decided it was the perfect chance. I told him I had seen it and to meet me at some coordinates, and I would lead him to the truck from there. On the way, he found two UAZ's and a motorcycle, all green with full fuel. The last thing he found was a beat up heli with about a half a tank of fuel. He picked me up in the helicopter, and said, "screw the truck, I saw another huey spawn over here, let's check that out first." It was unusable, no gasoline and all red. He went to check the gear, as I pulled out the only primary gun I had, a double barrel with two shots. I walked up behind it, and pointed it at his head. Two easy pointblank headshots should be easy, even with myself shaking from lack of painkillers, right? Wrong. The double barrel hit him right in the back of the neck. He spins around, so I followed it up with another shot to the stomach about 5 feet away. He zooms in and tries to get a shot on me as I'm hating my life and trying to pull out my Makerov. He gets me with one shot in the head with his AS50. I now have a passionate hatred towards double barrel shotguns. TL; DR: Perfect conditions for a bandit attack, got screwed over by my awful luck with shotguns. What was the worst bandit failure you've ever had?