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Nitro DayZ

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Everything posted by Nitro DayZ

  1. I know I'm under the age you asked for since I'm 15 but no harm in asking. I may be younger than most players but I'm experienced on DayZ and have been playing it for around a year on and off. I'm trustworthy, never killed people without reason and help players where I can! I'm also from the UK so no problems there and have a good working mic. :)
  2. Nitro DayZ

    DayZ Yearly Awards

    Last I heard the guy had become a Sergeant and was riding around naked on a kids bicycle wearing a santa hat.
  3. Nitro DayZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    My friend told me about running near Elektro and then suddenly a creepy axe murderer in a lab coat covered in blood came up to him, manically laughing ingame and axed him to death.
  4. Happily driving along the highway at 82mph on my quad bike with a friend on the back...then we got onto a bridge and I forgot it makes quad bikes fly 50 metres into the air...no more quad bike for me :(
  5. So today me and friend decided to go to the NWA (North-West Airfield) to see if we could find any loot. We logged on in the trees opposite the hangar/fire station side and see through our binoculars that there is a burnt out boat in the middle of the field. We went over to it and found around 20 bodies, all people who had obviously been teleported there by a hacker and then subsequently killed. We also found, whilst searching the bodies, a medical crate with EVERYTHING in it...5 of each weapon, 50 of each vehicle part, food etc, basically everything available in DayZ. We didn't take anything because we realised how dangerous it would be. We then noticed a Bi-Plane sitting in the middle of the airstrip so we went across, curious about whether it was flyable or not. We got in and after some mashing of my keys I found how to turn it on (Q). However I didn't know how to start moving forward and shortly after another player came up so we had to log out but my friend unfortunately died. It was good fun nonetheless! I have a question though... Does anyone know how to fly a Bi-Plane? i.e. get past the stage of putting the engine on and actually make it take off! Post your stories about finding a hackers aftermath, or just run in's with hackers in general! Thanks, Nitro
  6. Nitro DayZ

    A hackers aftermath...

    Is there a knack to flying the Bi-plane or do you just hold down Q?
  7. Nitro DayZ

    A hackers aftermath...

    Yeah thats similar to what happened on the server I was on...he added a debug monitor as well!
  8. Nitro DayZ

    Trading rare guns for NVGs

    I might be able to hook you up with a pair of NVG's for the DMR and another gun maybe.
  9. Nitro DayZ

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    That video is brilliant...how can anyone be so relaxed about something like that, especially with a chopper! Beans for you! I see you play APB as well, another good game ;) I was once at NWA with my friend looking for people, this redneck from tenessee kept talking over Side Chat with his mic saying he was in the Air Traffic Control Tower. Me and my friend didn't believe him, thinking no one could be so stupid as to say exactly where they were at NWA. So we kept on scouting it out and about 2 hours later he stood up for an unknown reason and another sniper we hadn't even seen popped him in the head. Turns out he had an AS50 with no ammo, but didn't think to go out the back door out of snipers view.
  10. If they haven't hidden it well enough then it's fair game in my eyes...
  11. Nitro DayZ

    A hackers aftermath...

    Another hacker story which just happened for you guys... a hacker came onto the server we were on (DE 871) and spawned everyone Coyote backpacks with DMR's, NVG, Rangefinder, Mountain Dew's etc...Oh dear... Edit: He also put out a news broadcast on everyones GPS's talking about random things and the words "OPA GANGNAM STYLE!!!"
  12. I've added you on skype to chat about it! Thanks :)
  13. Nitro DayZ

    What is the point of this game now?

    How about you try and find a Mountain Dew? Then you can tell me you've pretty much "completed" DayZ :thumbsup: There are plenty of options for you on this thread, try one out and see how it goes :)
  14. Nitro DayZ

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...

    I found 2 crash sites last night...1 with 4 M14 Aim's, which in my opinion are rubbish, but also an FN FAL and some mags for my DMR so I was over the moon since I had died the day before with DMR and FN FAL...I then found another 2 FN FAL's at a crash site later on. And then a hacker teleported to me and a friend at our truck and killed us shortly after. Oh well :|
  15. Nitro DayZ

    Challenge to clans

    Did you really think that trying to be a smart arse by giving out all your details + what you have etc and the server wouldn't lead to a smug hacker blowing it all up? Congratulations sir.
  16. Was at the ATC at North-West airfield. It was dark and I luckily had NVG's. 2 guys were searching the hangars, oblivious to me hiding in the ATC. Went downstairs and waited for them to get into the hangar nearest the Fire Station and the ATC. While one of them was searching the loot pile diagonally away from the window I double tapped him with my FN FAL which knocked him out on the first bullet and killed him on the second. The second one went under cover so I went upstairs stupidly, he hit me with his DMR knocking me out for a few seconds. I managed to get up and bandage myself without him seeing, before getting downstairs again. He started to run towards the ATC from one of the hangars, obviously thinking I was dead so I burst fired into him with a M4A1, before escaping to meet my squad.
  17. Nitro DayZ

    Survivor Gone Bandit

    I did well yesterday, killed 2 guys since they were a threat to me, shot another 3 as they were running towards the building I was in but they Alt F4'ed, then went on to loot NWA and got shot in the head by someone...I still don't shoot unless the person is a threat, which most of the time they are...
  18. Nitro DayZ

    Any other father and son teams?

    Je' mapple Nitro xD My german is a bit better but not by much: Ich liebe Dayz, das ist sehr gut und ich hasse Bandits. Teach us your ways of speaking so many languages but still being English D:
  19. Nitro DayZ

    Need a gaming partner

    Age: 15 Skype: Cazamarooney Steam: Nitromanic what your good at: Surviving...close quarters + sniping. Time Zone: GMT
  20. Nitro DayZ

    My Luckiest Day On Record

    Ahh damn, yeah tapped one of them twice in the chest with FN FAL and other one I tapped about 20 times with M4A1 after she thought I was down since she shot me before-hand on the top level of the ATC. I'll have to look around for more gear, risky stuff though! I've added you on skype as well, speak to you soon!
  21. Nitro DayZ

    My Luckiest Day On Record

    Well not sure what the guy above me is talking about but that's a brilliant story! I had a great day as well, taking out 2 players and engaging another 3 before unfortunately dying, losing 30 days of work (DMR, NVG, FN FAL) I wish you luck in the future, if you ever want to have another player join your squad then hit me up on Skype: Cazamarooney Good luck in DayZ trying to teach your friends how to play well, it seems like they're doing pretty well already! Good luck finding the ghillied sniper :thumbsup:
  22. Nitro DayZ

    How long have you survived?

    Haha seeing that squad running towards us and me going batshit crazy on them with the DMR so they all pooped themselves and Alt F4'd was hilarious. Being killed...not so much.
  23. Nitro DayZ

    How long have you survived?

    Thanks man, an eventful few hours...I'll admit I was pretty upset losing NVG, DMR, FN Fal etc etc on a 30 day character. Oh well, killing the 2 guys to start with also gave me the bandit skin, my first one in 30 days, pretty short lived. It's no fun being a bandit :P If you ever want to play DayZ together or something add my skype: Cazamarooney or Steam: Nitromanic It would be a pleasure to play with someone as nice as you!
  24. I've join the teamspeak server under the name "Nitro", same as here and I'm currently in the help needed sub-section. I couldn't find you on steam to add you and can't log into steam on my browser to add you either.
  25. Need help again, sorry :S Your in-game name: Nitro Your condition/ailments: Broken leg Your location - be specific: Inbetween the northern firestation in Elektro and the residential buildings to the left of it if looking at it from the coast. A general description of your character: Normal clothing, assault pack and M1014 shotgun. If you could help me out that'd be brilliant!