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Nitro DayZ

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Everything posted by Nitro DayZ

  1. Baump :) :| :D :P :thumbsup: :beans:
  2. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    When trying to hide my vehicle the other day I started to think to myself...why not have Camo Nets and/or Tarpaulin (Tarp's) in DayZ? I think this idea makes perfect sense, if added in correctly. I believe it could be a good addition to the Standalone in the future. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm on about, something like these: Camo Net: Camo Tarpaulin: These would be fairly rare, probably rarer than Tents and found at Military sites such as the North West barracks or Military tents in Cherno/Berezino. They would most likely take up 3 spaces like the tent so they aren't too easy to carry around, since they are roughly the same size as a tent. You could have the option when scrolling on a vehicle to "add Camo Net" or "add Camo Tarpaulin" which would put in over the vehicle making it less visible, much like the textures on tents. It's just an idea I thought of, please feel free to give any feedback! Thanks, -Nitro
  3. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    Bump it up
  4. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    No it would be a removable item. So it would be destroyed if driving with it still attached to the car.
  5. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    Bumpy bump
  6. Since you guys are all looking for a group to play with, maybe I could interest you in our community, Dark Angels. We're a UK based community and play a variety of a games, we started out on DayZ but a lot of the members have lost interest and are waiting for standalone. I am trying to put together a DayZ group again within our community, at the moment we have about 6-9 players from all over the world (America, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Australia) so I am looking for more members in the GMT timezone such as yourselves. We're all ages 15-30 so there will be no annoying kids so to speak. If any of you are interested please contact me on one of the following: Steam - nitromanic Skype - Cazamarooney Our Teamspeak - ts.darkangelsgaming.com (Look for "Nitro") I have added you already McK315 on skype, hopefully I will get to speak to you soon! Thanks guys :) -Nitro
  7. Hey I'm part of a UK based clan called the Dark Angels. We're currently looking for more members to play DayZ with, we range in age from 15-30. If you'd be interested feel free to contact me through one of the following... Skype - Cazamarooney Steam - Nitromanic Teamspeak - ts.darkangelsgaming.com Thanks!
  8. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

  9. Nitro DayZ

    Betrayed once again

    Wow...I'm sorry to see you got betrayed, happened to me before on my 90 day old public hive character, it's quite sad to see that some people resort to betrayal after you attempt to be so nice to them. I've subscribed as well, you seem like a really nice guy! :thumbsup: :beans:
  10. Check out the server when you can, we've been adding lots of awesome mods recently so the server is getting better and better!
  11. Nitro DayZ

    Vehicle Covers

    Something which has already been brought up before...http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/117003-camo-netstarpaulin/
  12. Haha nice last second eject, I would never be so lucky, whenever I crash a chopper I just freak out and forget to try ejecting :lol:
  13. Dark Angels is a great clan, I'd highly recommend giving the server a go. We're a dedicated bunch of DayZ enthusiasts and we're working 24/7 to get the server just right for everyone to enjoy, we'll be added even more stuff in the future so come on and give the server a try!
  14. Nitro DayZ

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    Floris! We played together for ages and then you just disappeared :( Would be great to play together again sometime!
  15. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    Bump :3
  16. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

  17. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    Thanks for all the great responses everyone!
  18. Do I really need to repeat it?? Seriously guys... Can no one take the hint? :lol:
  19. Welcome to TNR aka The New Republic! Who are we? TNR is a British, military based clan, started by Jamie around 7 months ago. The clan started with 4 members, before recruitment started which sky-rocketed the clan to 50+ members. After disagreements with the management of TNR a lot of members lost, with the end of Summer looming many members left due to school/college work, which meant numbers dropped even lower. A handful of faithful members remained, with numbers now down to 7. Soon after this recruitment started with more members joining which now puts us at around 25 to 30 members but we're still open to more applications, the more members the better with more people to play games such as DayZ, Arma 2, TL:R, CS:S, R.U.S.E and many more with! We still stick true to our word with a proper Military ranking system (Private to General) with our own forums, servers and application + interview process. Why should you join TNR? Of course we cannot force you to join TNR, nor would we want to do so but if you're looking for a highly active, military style clan with 30+ members who play a large variety of games (just a small number listed above) then I highly recommend you fill out the application form on our forum today! To get to our forum you can: CLICK HERE!!! or click the photo above! Our Servers: Takistan Life Revolution (TL:R) - 60 Slots DayZ Taviana Server with Starting Gear - 60 Slots Teamspeak 3 Server - 512 Slots To join our Teamspeak just connect to "ts.tnrclan.com" Contact us: Jamie (Owner) Steam: Jamiewood_x Skype: Jamiewood_x (Liverpool) Praeliux (Co-Owner) Steam: Praeliux Skype: Millward1231 (Praeliux) Nitro (Me) Steam: Nitromanic Skype: Cazamarooney Website http://www.tnrclan.com How to apply 1. Go to http://www.tnrclan.com 2. Register on our forums (Head Admin: Jamie) 3. Go to the "New Applications" forum 4. Read the sticky - "Applications - Info and template!" 5. Copy the application and make a new topic with the title "Application - (Your name here) 6. For "who recruited you?" just say something like "Nitro from the DayZ forums or similar 7. Wait for a reply from Jamie or Praeliux! We hope to see you soon!! Thanks, - TNR -
  20. Indeed it is! We're still looking for lots of recruits to play with over Easter Holidays!
  21. Nitro DayZ

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    Thanks man! I wish the search option was better too, maybe we should bring it up to the Forum admins/moderators :thumbsup:
  22. Nitro DayZ

    THE HUEY - Formation Flight / Low Level / Combat

    Nice video man! Nice to see there are some good chopper fliers on DayZ! I wouldn't want to be on that server when your mates fly over in that chopper formation!
  23. Nitro DayZ

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I honestly don't know how there is any pictures left on the internet which don't have Rockets face on them...
  24. Filling this out for a friend... Name: TNR - Ayy - [PVT] Location: England GUID: ccb3d9f365b77dfo24a3ddb5f3fd5fd Reason: To play with me