Before yesterday i had only killed people who had shot at me 1st. This time I was looting hangars at the southern airstrip and moving towards the industrial buildings at the far end of the runway when i heard some AK shots. you could tell from the rythm of the shots that it was someone offing Zeds, so i wasn't that worried, but it meant he had the same ammo as me, so i have to admit i was tempted to go after him. A couple of minutes passed and having heared nothing i moved thru the bushes towards where he had been, only to see him running in the open towards me. I took cover and switched to full auto on the AK. I wasn't sure if he had seen me, but he ran right towards where i was hiding. he seemed to pause behind a bush so when he popped out he took a whole clip to the face and chest. what happened next was poss. the most rewarding thing i have ever had in a game: he had his mic on voice-activated and was in side chat, and i heard him scream with surprise and then pant and swear for about 30 seconds. I was pretty shocked tbh, I didnt want to kill him, but he was too close and had stuff i needed. No other game has ever made me grin, feel remorse and make my hands shake with anticipation all at the same time. Day Z is genius.