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Everything posted by Markus843

  1. I couldn't make up my mind to buy arma 2 or not, because I don't know if people play. Are there servers with 50-100 people 24/7? Also I heard there is an update coming out soon? Should I buy arma 2? Help please..
  2. Thanks for answering my question!
  3. I'm still a little confused. What I meant was if I got arma II right now and installed the dayz mod, will it still work when the standalone version comes out? Will I be able to play with the people with the standalone version? Also, when the standalone version comes out, do I have to pay for dayz ? Sorry, I just found out what standalone means like 1 hour ago lol, I'm a big noob when it comes to mods for a game.
  4. Even when the standalone version comes out, can I still play dayz with just arma II?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I'll be waiting for the standalone one.