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Everything posted by brandon.37@aol.com

  1. brandon.37@aol.com

    Group to play with

    Hi everyone, My name is Brandon, I've been playing for about 5 months now. Maybe 6, idk. Most the time I'll play with a group from people i have met either in game or on this site , Most of the time I'll paly with them for a bit untill they prob stop playing or at least i cant get in contact w/ them. I'm on very often during school breaks such as the upcoming winter break which is now for about 2 weeks, and am on most weekdays and weekends. I mostly play as a bandit but will help people out if I feel it's necessary. (Not very often) I also like to use vehicles to get around. I play on private hive servers to educe hackers, usually paly on one were vehicles spawns are high, have a few that i paly on regulary. (Spelled wrong) We would play on skype as well, I'm 15, but often paly with others 18+ So if you want to join you need to be - 1. Mature - 14+ 2. NEED headset so we can hear you clearly. 3. skype 4. Experience doesn't really matter but should at least try. 5. Be on regularly 6. Speak fluent English If you want to join just fill this out so we can get a general idea of who you are, also this group will paly with others outside of group, if that's ok. My ex: Age: 15 Skype: UnbornAssassin Preferred Role in game: Sniper, driver, assault (Other ex: Medic, spotter) Experience: 5-6 months Preferred name to be called: Brandon Please message me on skype and post here on forums to join. Thx everyone
  2. brandon.37@aol.com

    Group to play with

    I'm in central time but am on quite a bit, so i would be able to play with you if you were in europe or australia.
  3. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a small team of 3 to play dayz

    skype: UnbornAssassin
  4. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a group/partner.

    Age?: 16, know its not 18 but im mature with deep voice. w/e Where you from/timezone?: Central. On pretty often Experience?: <- 6 months You have a headset/skype/etc?: <- headsett, skype: UnbornAssassin Tell a little bit about yourself: Often play with others but find the few ppl i do paly with aren't on very much. Lots of exp and know how to find vehicles. Prefer private hives
  5. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for tactical teammate(s)

    Haven't tried too much tactical gaming but sounds fun - u can add me if you want : UnbornAssassin on skype I'm 15, plenty of expeericnce. deep vocie
  6. brandon.37@aol.com


    just add*
  7. brandon.37@aol.com


    If you want help I'll be happy to give it to you. I've been palying for several months now.Juad add me on skype: UnbornAssassin
  8. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a team.

    Hey, you can add me on skype if you want : UnbornAssassin
  9. brandon.37@aol.com

    DayZ group recruitment

    I'm 15, on almost every day. Deep voice, and have been playing for 5 months. Live in US, central time. Sent you a skype msg , my skype is UnbornAssassin as well
  10. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for Partner/Partners

    oh, skype: UnbornAssassin
  11. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for Partner/Partners

    Don't know if it's full or not - I'm 15 plenty of experince, etc. If you guys have an opening I would love to join. Fine with new people or veterans as well
  12. Hey, so i've been playing DayZ for quite a bit now, and have several people that I will play with on a regular basis. I always seem to be on though when not many others that have dayZ are on, so if anyone wants to play just msg me, I'm 15, central time USA. Played for about 5 months, and we usually play on a private hive. Add me on skype: UnbornAssassin
  13. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a few more to play with

    And please no replies to joining any kind of group thing please.
  14. brandon.37@aol.com

    Need a good group to play dayz.

    Name (full or first up to you): Brandon Age (13 and over): 15 Country: US Language (english):english Tactics:stealth, communication, stratetgy Player Role (sniper etc) Sniper, assault Skype name if interested UnbornAssassin Hope you can respond soon NOTE: have been playing for several months now. on every day. Sometimes stream as well, thanks
  15. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a Small Group

    You can add me on skype : UnbornAssasin I'll play.
  16. Hi everyone, I've been playing DayZ for about three months now, and do have a few friends that I'll play DayZ with on skype. Most aren't too active, so if anyone ever wants to play just send me a message on Skype. I have namalysk and chernarus that I prefer to play on. I'm not really a bandit or hero, but will kill or assist depending on the situation. Usually it will be trying to kill them, but I don't care either way. I'll play on official servers but prefer one private hive that's very good at going against hackers. (BMRF) I'm pretty active - I'll be on most weekdays and I'll be on every weekend for a bit. I have other games that I would be willing to play as well - BF3, Company of Heroes, which I haven't really played too much I'm 15 with a deep voice as well, and I know what I'm doing, If anyone wants to play just message me on skype - UnbornAssassin
  17. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for teammates!

    Add me ons kype : UnbornAssassin I sent you a message
  18. brandon.37@aol.com

    DayZ Group Invite

    I believe I sent you a skype message - mine is UnbornAssassin on skype
  19. brandon.37@aol.com

    old post

    Name: Brandon in-game: Brandon (Creative, right?) age: 16 country: USA. (I'm on at wierd times which would apply to EU times.) skype id: UnbornAssassin steam id: [x] | UnbornAssassin experience: 4ish months skills: sniper, assault, driver, spotter, support prefered role: Sniper / support favorite weapon: AS If you can please contact me via skype, I don't use steam too often. Thanks
  20. brandon.37@aol.com

    Looking for a buddy or two to kill some people.

    Sent you a request - my skype is UnbornAssassin (No ?)