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greenfist (DayZ)

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Everything posted by greenfist (DayZ)

  1. greenfist (DayZ)

    How did i got a Global Ban ?

    Or you probably tried some hacks a month ago when you last played, didn't get caught then but battleye bans in waves, not immediately. Anyway, just buy a new game but not from some illegal key reseller for $5. Most of them have stolen keys to begin with.
  2. greenfist (DayZ)

    stats page at death?

    You mean the score board? There's number of killed people, vehicles, tanks and aircrafts. Times you died and your overall score. Doesn't really mean anything in this mod. They are mostly for normal Arma. And you can view the stats anytime ingame with I -key.
  3. greenfist (DayZ)

    Cant get on servers

    It's a well known fact that you can't get globally banned by Battleye for using items someone else hacked in. BE just doesn't work that way. BE has made few false positives and banned innocent people but nothing in the recent weeks. And even then they removed all wrongful bans quickly. Anyway, you should reinstall windows or contact BE if you think you're innocent. Suspected script kiddies don't get much sympathy around here.
  4. greenfist (DayZ)

    Cant get on servers

    You didn't get screwed over. You screwed us over with your hacking. (You can't seriously think we'd believe that you just bought a new game if you were innocent? :lol: ) Just format and reinstall your system. Your identifying GUID is embedded in windows. New game and account won't change that.
  5. greenfist (DayZ)

    Banned for doing nothing?

    You need to buy a new computer I guess. They ban hackers. You are a hacker. I can't see the problem here. Go play something else? (No, you're not really a hacker, just a script kiddie. But banned either way.)
  6. greenfist (DayZ)

    Not showing on map

    You dont have a gps so how could you know where in the map are you? Some servers have a setting that allows you to show up on map even if you don't have GPS.
  7. greenfist (DayZ)

    Game unplayable (under 10fps)

    Oh, sorry. I thought you had only 10fps. It's great that you solved your problem and 20 is enough for you.
  8. greenfist (DayZ)

    Game unplayable (under 10fps)

    There's your problem, mate! You have a lousy computer. You can't really go far with a cpu that slow. GPU's fine. Do all the tweaking you can find on this and every other forum. DONT ASK what 'cause you should know it already!
  9. greenfist (DayZ)

    how to fix instant death after parachute?

    Dayz breaks the chuting. There's nothing you can do about. We'll have to wait for a fix.
  10. greenfist (DayZ)

    parachuting trouble (suck fun out of the game)

    I haven't tried it myself but I believe parachuting is broken by Dayz itself because chute never fails in normal Arma2. So it's up to the devs to fix it. :(
  11. greenfist (DayZ)

    How to download

    It took me 1 (one) google search "download dayz". First hit was the right one.
  12. greenfist (DayZ)

    How to download

    Try torrent: http://cdn.armafiles.../latest.torrent And next time go to the Day-Z mod website. It's at dayzmod.com Then click the big red download button. If you find that too hard, please tell, maybe we can help you.
  13. greenfist (DayZ)

    If I....

    Your version doesn't help. The problem is on the server. So no, you can't really do anything about it at the moment. Just make sure you and the server have the latest versions.
  14. Or you can point your gun to the ground manually, double tap left Alt for free look and then look up.
  15. greenfist (DayZ)

    Which setting directly effects player models?

    I don't get your signature then: "keep your enemies closer"? I thought you wanted drop the far away? :) The view distance is the only one that allows you to see them further but the setting is locked on the server. Remove the shadows, lower the terrain and object detail so the enemies are easier to spot in the less complex scenery. It helps a tiny bit but looks generally awful. So no, there's no setting to make player models flashing pink elephants. All you need is practise.
  16. greenfist (DayZ)

    Problems Updating...

    This is an issue with your router. Change the DayzCommander setting "Simultaneus connections" to something lower, like 50. If the number is too high for your hardware you will get disconnected and some servers will seem unplayable because your router is clogged. Cancel the server refreshing before updating the version.
  17. There's no purpose of a clan. It's just a regular team that cooperates. Find a clan and ask if you can join it. There's no system for it. Maybe ask players in game or post in the survivor HQ section here.
  18. greenfist (DayZ)

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    I was teleported by hacker in the off-map fields and 50m above ground along with everybody else. Quickly ESC+F4 before hitting the ground saved me. Joined next server immediately and found myself on the coast. I thought it was some counter measure for hack teleporting. But maybe hive thought I was server hopping and moved me to coast? Did everyone experience this when quitting one server and joining another right away? It's interpreted as hopping? Not a bad feature but players should be made aware of it. Everyone must take a 10min break before logging in again?
  19. If you can't run you probably pressed right mouse button while not having a weapon. So you can't run 'cause you have nonexistend iron sights up. RMB again and should be able to run. Or just press G.
  20. greenfist (DayZ)

    DayZ in Window Mode?

    Go to the video options and under interface resolution select Windowed.
  21. The developers won't change you position. Try crawling and rolling your way out or just starve yourself to death. There's no other way.
  22. greenfist (DayZ)

    What happend to my character?

    Were you on a private hive server perhaps? They don't save your progress globally. Or did you join the same server both times? In that case, you were a victim of a bug. It happens rarely. Graphical glitches happen to everyone, we're waiting for a fix in the next dayz patch.
  23. greenfist (DayZ)


    I think buying a new combined operations and reinstall is enough. Inserting the new key replaces one from your previous install. Next time don't cheat so much.
  24. greenfist (DayZ)

    Problem with my FPS

    Could you tell us you system specs? What's your average FPS on low and higher settings?
  25. greenfist (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I think the total walked distance is a total false. The engine doesn't have a function to natively and accurately calculate the traveled distance. It would require a constant checking of velocity or position and time in client/server and reported to Hive, which would be a waste of resources. The stat number is most likely derived from differences between save points. But it's strange that central server would save history of points, there would seem to be no point for that. Or maybe the number unintentionally includes distance between dying and respawn, easily an instant increment of 10 km when you die at the NWA. I like numbers but this one is as good for stats as a frozen salmon is for a tire iron.