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About [email protected]

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  1. i know its an alpha, the point is to make progress forward and not go back wards. i have yet to some some positive progress, big deal the axe got a new skin or the zombies kind of run slower some times.
  2. everytime i make a tent and put stuff into and save it. i make sure i save it hours before the server restarts no matter what it comes up empty, this game is getting worse with each new patch. cant wait for warz to come out so maybe the DEVs will actually get some shit done when players start leaving.
  3. read the youtube description, i shot a hacked heli earlier and that one was legit.
  4. i'm happy you took time out of standing at your pc to watch this.
  5. i'm not going to get the chance to have a thermal as50 for long, i'm going to use it to my advantage while i got it. Why use a regular one or a dmr when you could have the better version? Edit: i'm also playing against people with the same weapons so why not use it? In any full server there is an hacker
  6. i got the As 50 TWS from a dead guy on the hospital roof in cherno. then i went in the tower and camped. from the tower i shot i guy with another TWS and a buddy looted him and got that one. very popular hacked in gun.
  7. After, i picked all of them up and brought them back to there gear.
  8. humanity was just brought back today and i guess this is the record since they took it away, got friends with -500k and -300k, and friends who have died did get there humanity reset. i have not died in a while since helis came out.
  9. LOL your a funny guy, i got spawned on the coast after i quite in the loading screen. and if you played alot you know people with 50 cals and thermal camp on the mountains, and i counter snipe them and kill beaners.
  10. pretty sure my humanity is -1000000 but i'm not sure. if someone could tell me what the real number is it would be appreciated. yes i have killed alot of people, hundreds and hundreds of people. http://imgur.com/Xgklz
  11. You know nothing' date=' Jon Snow. L85A2 TWS Is a helicopter crash site weapon 100% DayZ legit. Think before you post. As for the AS50, that is also a legit weapon. I doubt he got it by legit means, seeing how crashed helicopters are still broken. [/quote'] You think before you post http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11416&pid=116647#pid116647 L85 thermal hackers