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About maconnolly

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. maconnolly


    Let me just say...I know how you feel. But it isn't only completely new players who are feeling this learning curve. I've logged about 3-5 hours on DayZ Standalone so far, having been an avid player of the mod. I'm actually really glad how difficult I'm finding it, as it makes it a whole new game for me. Thus far, I've relied on my memory of the game map and have yet to use an online map for navigation; but given that I'm fairly certain there are new spots that weren't in the mod, I might succumb soon enough. Perhaps Standalone has a bias towards helping others, but I've always employed a trust-no-one policy and - in all my time playing the mod and SA - that has kept me alive much more consistently than adopting the complete opposite policy. I've been killed by a human once in Standalone and that was enough to make me remember why I generally keep my distance. Which is a bit of a shame for me, as I think I'd be more likely to be friendly (or at least indifferent) rather than hostile. As a really basic starter-for-ten, I match my character's clothes to the environment I'm going to spend most of my time in. So my default character has a green shirt and dark trousers. In my head, if I crouch deathly still, from a distance, I can probably look like a shrub. <_< Cmac86 - if you want a fellow new player to run around learning things alongside, feel free to private message me and I'll be happy to try and join up in-game.
  2. Perfect, chaps - I did wonder whether it may just be Play with SIX vs. DayZ Commander. I'll get Commander installed this evening and hopefully get some time on the server in. Cheers to you both!
  3. I've just come across this thread and I'm thoroughly intrigued. All the extras sound like they would add a dimension to the game, for sure. Unfortunately, I can't find the server. I use Play with SIX and searching neither by name (Unit487) nor by IP address brings it up. I've reset all the filters. Am I doing something extremely stupid here?
  4. maconnolly

    Dayz No PvP and No hackers

    I think the point being made here is that a strict 'no PvP' server takes away one of the fundamental game mechanics - the fact that you are trying to survive in a world filled with not only zombies, but potentially hostile/selfish other humans. Removing that potential threat, leaves you with a single threat - zombies. I was once on the hunt for a pure 'friendly' server but by the time I found one I actually realised this wasn't a very fun way to play. By all means, discourage PvP or encourage a common-sense approach to the PvP enthusiasts and try to get them to adopt a non KoS policy near the coast or something. Surely on a no PvP server, if you manage to survive for 30 minutes, then that is it. Challenge over?