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Everything posted by stalkarn

  1. stalkarn

    Fixes and friendliness

    Let's start with the camp fires. They are lit the same amount of time it takes to grill a chicken on a stick. The burn time for camp fires needs to be longer. The ironic thing in this game is the nag about realism and a fire place is out in a few minutes while other things is "realistic". Be consistent. Second thing, one if the thing the bothers me most in dayz is the reaction to key commands. I want to jump over an obstacle and press "v" and half a second later he starts the dull jump animation. Feels very B. Maybe that is something you will fix in the future I don't know so I don't blame you. But in that case, don't forget it. Have you ever read a course in user friendliness or human machine interface/interaction. Small anoying factors can add up to over all bad experiance. Another thing about HUD is that sometimes when I want to jump or change weapon or object the nothing happens the first time I press a key, and sometime not after second press. I have to spam keys to make something happen. This is awfull. (Sorry for hard words but seriously it has been three years). An idea to increase the feedback to the player would be to highlight the assignable hotkeys when pressed. So for example if I press "1" the square on the screen is highlighted briefly, just to know that you actually did something. Why on earth do we have to reaload every shot with a rifle? It is supposed to be realistic, how realistic is a canopener getting ruined after a few uses (or is it because of russian quality?). Is realism defined by how many steps we have to take and how many buttons we have to press before we get the job done in a game? It is just one thing that adds a factor for bad user friendliness. In reality we have more senses, we can feel the gun and there is no animation cooldown. Now we shoot and the spam reload to make it reload when the game alows it to. Do I want to focus on reloading the gun or playing the game? That action is just a distraction and irritation from enjoying the actial game. It does not give you a +1 for realism. Shuold we get to control each of the characters leg also? Finaly, get rid of that scroll down menu! It is a very good example of terrible user-friendliness. Yes that word is coming back. In real life when you want to enter a vehicle you reach out for the door, open it and take a seat in a car. In Dayz you have to aim on the right spot like a drunk formula one dirver to get the menu and then scroll down to the correct item, may be miss it and scroll back up and finaly... open the door. Then the same procedure is done to enter the car. Have a hotkey, e.g. "F" to just enter the vehicle or enter a passanger seat. Fiddling with the chair in the offroad is frustrating. If you have a hotkey for "enter vehicle" and still want all those steps then have just that one hotkey and the first time you press you open the door, next time you pull back seat and last time you take a seat. KISS! Keep it simple... Oh and one more thing. Aiming at a ladder or gate to use. Do I have to say more? Make the area for geting the option to use it bigger. I feel like a drunk drug addict when I try to find the right spot to close a gate. It shuld not be surgery precision to climb a ladder.
  2. stalkarn

    Fixes and friendliness

    Why so serious. I'm not even close to America. Guess you are from S/SE/Russia europe ;)
  3. stalkarn

    Fixes and friendliness

    Wow that is realy good to hear! I'm looking forward to it.
  4. stalkarn

    Fixes and friendliness

    Yes I have tried to put in several but still only have time to grill one chicken. I know that I have to Yes but not that frequent. Personaly I never had to charpen one.
  5. stalkarn

    Making Movement harder

    The movement in this game is already awkward as it is. When you press "a" or "d" do turn it is very dull and the reaction is not emidiate. Gets very frustrating to play.
  6. stalkarn

    Get hungry in a minute.

    Suggestion: Make character survive without food longer. Reason: As it is now you are starving after around 30 minutes. I mean the game feels like real time and getting hungry 15 minutes after you eat is a little bit too fast. It takes like 30 minutes to get to a town that has food. If you start your game later then everyone else all places are empty.
  7. stalkarn

    My first experience

    The first thing I do when I'm in the game is trying to find something to eat and drink. Finding water was not to hard, there are wells. But food on the other hand I see none. I'm in a small village or something looking through every building but nothing. I start to run on the road along the coast to get to nearest town. After a little while I sit down to do something and a guy is running my way. A few meters away from me he sees me and the first thing he does is to bring up his fist and start to try to hit me. I run away coz I don't have time for that shit. After a few minutes of running I see another guy with a shovel. As soon as he discovers me he run towards me swinging hes shovel. I keep running towards a town with the shovel guy after me for a few minute. Retard. I keep running until I find a smal town but find nothing to eat I my character starves to death. I respawn. After like 30 minutes of running (!) I come to a town. I hear guy in building say "hands up" then he shoots me. I respawn. I run. I run. Find village. Look in village. Nothing. Run. Run. Come to new town. Three guys see me and starts to shoot. I bleed to death. I respawn. I have to run because after around 30 minutes, same amount of time it takes to get to a town, my character complains about starving. There is no time to stop. My experiance in short. -Run -Meet retard incapable of communicating. -Run -Get shot. -Respawn. Time spent running 90% Exept that. The game looks like the mod on arma 2, still blurry image and trees shapeshifting. I play arma 3 and its looks alot better so this can't be based on arma 3 engine right? The character movement is realy awkward, just like arma 3. The mouse acceleration is wery enoying. I will give this game a chance as it is in alpha but at the moment I'm not impressed. All I do is run around to empty buildings with maybe some crap in them.
  8. stalkarn

    Get hungry in a minute.

    Ha! Ok so it's already brought up. I didn't hing about it. Sorry.
  9. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    In the the stand alone version (and maybe the mod) the tents should be hiden when you logg out. Reason: One shouldn't have to play 24 hours a day to keep there stuff. To prevent people from logging out because their tents are threatened, the tent should disapear after e.g. 15 minutes. Please don't come with the argument "It is not realistic" or something like that because it's not realistic to log out from the world either, nor exist in the world when you feel like.
  10. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    Black or white sigh. No you could still acces them online. Fair enough. ______________________________ I will never play a game that punishes you for not playing it. Over and out! PS. You don't have to tell me that none is forcing me, I never said it. DS. PS2. (< xbox) : It was worth a shot. Clearly this will end like AoC pvp server and Mortal Online. Yaay gank fest...... DS2.0
  11. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    I actulay thought it was pretty awesome to start a jurney to my old camp after I died. I spawnd at the coast (as usual) with nothing on me (as usual). Then I had to spend 6 kilometers running to meet up with some friends who picked me up in a car. I have never enjoyed running that long in a game before:-) And the relief when we had driven half way to the camp.
  12. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    It has nothing to do about gear fetish. It's about an individual player is being affected when he/she is not playing the game. I say let go of the raiding fetish. Someone said it's like going to sleep and then your tent is not vulnerable. Well, I never sleep 5 days a week, I mean 120 hours. It's about that a game should be made for more than just those people who have time to play more often. Actually that struck(hit?) me too, after I posted this. But then I started to think. What happens to the stuff that people steal? It just gets transfered to other players so where is the loss as it is now? I think you are raiding cherno for food when you are playing the game raiding cherno for food. When you log out to take part in the real world you ceases to exist in dayz. Btw, they never sleep in my country:P I have no problem loosing stuff when I play, that is one of the main things that make this game so exciting. If i'm not careful I get killed and have to start over. That just makes me more careful. I can get nervous that someone follows me and my friends to the camp and that kills us but that is also just something that I wouldnt rage quit for. Just make it more thrilling. Maybe someone finds our camp when we are out to find food, well thats life. But when I come back after what ever I've been doing after 4 days or a week and find everything gone that just sucks. When they release the standalone I'm sure there will be plenty of people online for all you raider to raid.
  13. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    First of all: The most important stuff that I care about isn't to gear up new weapons and shit if i die, but the food and drink and medicine. Ok. Maybe, but if it was irl you couldn't just "log out" to do other stuff. That is the problem I try do solve. And it is still unprodected if you go find food when you are online, well you can't offline :P ). I'm not saying that I wan't the tents to be "unraidable" only that it's a game and you have to take in to account that players can't play the game 24/7 365-366 days a year.
  14. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    A fotball game isn't supose to be easy either but atleast both sides has to be there to win the game.
  15. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    I'm sure there is many people online when you play.
  16. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    Might as well make the player still be visible to shot at when you log out, as fun as haveing your hours of scavenging lost because you are on cristmas holiday. Right, and my point is you can only do that if you are online 24/7. It is a game and as in every other game the developers have to take in to account that you can't stay online round-the-clock. Just make the tent disapear after a few minutes/hours. You don't want to start from the beginning if you come back after a week.
  17. stalkarn

    Hide tents offline

    Who said that was the point of tents and what says that that reason can't be changed? Btw, for me the point with tents is to store things you don't have room for. And it's stupid not do be able to defend you camp because you are on a vacation irl.