Admins teleporting themselves or these [GSS] players teleporting to player with highend gear. They did this about 7 times within 2 days and on day 2 i could finally fraps it. This happend at 23:50 +- 3 minutes [i live in Germany so it is European Time Zone] My name at the time of this incident was : Salatkopf .... and on the proofpic of present players my name is "schranz und schredder". The admins you have to look for, call themselves [bIA] Exodus/Apoc and their companions [GSS] Macks/Analgeddon - one of the 4 guys must be the cheater Videoproof:
( In this video i'm writing in side channel : [fraps - 4 bia members and one teleport (as a title for the proofvideo)] because i knew they would appear just within a few seconds ....didn't thought it would be that fast .....) Pic: my name at the pic : "schranz und schredder" - had to change my name because i got kicked immediately after confronting them . I really hope they get banned. If you are interested just join this server ....those faggots play dayz 24/7