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Everything posted by papermilk

  1. As I believe Dayz standalone may have the option for underground base building in the future but I feel the right option is to have it above ground or this game will loose it's player base after a short period of time. The reason I believe this will happen is because after you have geared up and all that the only thing to really do is go get yourself into a firefight to make it more interesting. This is the very fact why I moved from the standard Dayz to Epoch I just found myself looting and dying after awhile it can become very boring. But with the option of base building you have something else to aim for to build the best base possible but it can be never ending because you can always improve it or expand it. Now if I remember the reason for base building not been added because it would cause more performance issues but as I have discovered most of the epoch servers I've played on run 10x better then any normal dayz server.
  2. I have to admit I never thought about the private hives and been able to change server and keep all the same stuff but I guess construction can be a option on a server to have or not to have.
  3. Wow that's really good news to hear it's great to see that more features are been added since I last checked hopefully it all goes well.
  4. Hi guy's I've played dayz since the day it was released but I now wanna try Epoch I have had a hard time trying to play it solo but have had no luck so it would be good if I could join in with others to play. I'm in Australia but I can also play on most American and New Zealand servers. Requirements: I'm looking for mature people who understand the game so probably 15+ Time zone isn't a issue I hoping that we are able to build bases and stuff so i'm able to understand it a little better My Skype: papermilk2 I also have my own teamspeak server
  5. papermilk

    Looking to play Epoch with some people

    Sounds good ill add you on skype
  6. Age- 17 Time Zone- UTC/GMT +10:30 hours How Long have you been playing dayz or arma- at least 3 year's now Role- I guess you can say gunner or scout
  7. papermilk

    What should i upgrade?

    Yep go for a new GPU :)
  8. papermilk

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    I know it was said that Dayz could be released on consoles.................I hope not I know many people who love to game on the console and they have said a game like Dayz is something there not interested in. I can just see the game going down hill if it was released on console keep it a PC reclusive i say
  9. papermilk

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I also like the idea of them taking there time on the project instead of just rushing it and not making a good game.
  10. papermilk

    Cutting down trees

    I like this idea but is it possible with Arma II?
  11. Not sure if someone has suggested this already but I think somthing like a radio system you see in GTA or like HLDG for Half Life games would be very cool for this game. When me and my friends find ourself a car and make our way to the North West we like to play music in vehciale chat to pass the time which is pretty fun and being able to upload your songs and play them through vehicale chat for those long road trips would be pretty fun :)
  12. papermilk

    Radio System For Those Long Road Trips

    Oh hey that's not a bad idea ahaha
  13. papermilk

    What ever Happend to the original DayZ?

    I agree about the helicopters I think there should only be hueys little birds and maybe a black hawk.
  14. papermilk

    Radio System For Those Long Road Trips

    Fair enough mate :) I guess playing music through the speakers into the mic will have to do for now.
  15. papermilk

    Radio System For Those Long Road Trips

    I was thinking it could be like http://www.hldj.org/ this program allow people to play audio in any Half Life match even in GTA SA there is a option that lets you upload audio and listen to it in game just a thought really
  16. papermilk

    Radio System For Those Long Road Trips

    I guess that's true about them needing the rights to use the songs but i'm sure that dosn't stop people from uploading there own content since it's been done before without trouble
  17. papermilk

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    M4A3 M9 SD M24/M14 Drink/Food/Matches Bandages/Morphine/Blood Bag Binoculars/Map LOTS OF AMMO If I got most of that i'm pretty happy :D
  18. Yeah I'm half and half with this. It does take away that survival objective of the game but my god the firefights are so intense and can last hours as I have found out :D. But also these servers cost a lot of money and doing this can help pay for the server but you can always just change servers it's just up to you what you like the survival objective or a clan bloodbath firefight :D
  19. papermilk

    Graphic card compatability

    I agree I would be looking at a 7850 or 7870 :)
  20. Hmmm that would be pretty cool it would be like the new devil's castle hahah
  21. papermilk

    How long have you survived?

    I only go by the the hours soooo my longest life has to be 2 days....