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Everything posted by CroixAura

  1. CroixAura

    Day 145

    Props to you man, been playing maybe 12 hours now and have yet to really get any good gear, even with deer stands. my current play style, since i'm new, is 'alright i got this this and this...I'll stay here and wait for respawns...no I'll go north....*thirty minutes later* where the hell am I?!.....god is that a town...*20 minutes later...* Finally back at Kamenka, home sweet home.' :/ with this I specifically remember having a game plan going in which was something like 'get to elek, loot, gtfo, head north, survive' but my first spawn was Kamenka and has made me soft! WOE IS ME
  2. CroixAura

    Zombies always chasing me

    Rooneye you're my hero!
  3. CroixAura

    Introduce yourselves

    Howdy All I'm CroixAura and my ingame name is also CroixAura. I am a friendly as well as a new player. I'm hanging out on US Servers since that just happens to be where I'm at. On a side note I am looking for a group or partners :D
  4. CroixAura

    Zombies always chasing me

    Had a Zombie chase me from Belero to Kamenka, sharp turns, dropping for cover, running like a scared coward? None of it worked and it took 3 mags of the makarov to the face and at least a mag of the lee enfield. Took me running to the edge of the map 'alright screw it' and dumping the mag into it. worst part it didn't even have a broken bottle T_T
  5. CroixAura

    Hate to ask...

    When installing arma 2 via steam do I need to install the arma 2 dedicated server?
  6. CroixAura

    Hate to ask...

    I was actually trying to figure out which method of installing day z was best and well easiest.
  7. I went ahead and bought CO even if SA comes out in a month or so, I felt no reason to delay the fun, besides Arma 2 is a good game
  8. I'm in the us and just started the download process of downloading arma 2, once it's done (( around 1 or 2 am eastern from projected download time )) and I have day z installed I'd love to play. As for vids I have personally enjoyed watching Hybridpanda, JackFrag, and Frankie ( forget user name ).
  9. CroixAura

    Hate to ask...

    Nope, thank you so much