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Everything posted by Revocane

  1. Revocane

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

  2. Revocane

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Doesn't your PvE server have persistence enabled, thus less loot?
  3. Revocane

    United4Games.com - ROLEPLAY|NO-KoS

    Was playing in your PVP private shard and noticed it's name had been changed. Eventually the server reset and changed back to third person on the public shard. Is it going to come back up?
  4. Revocane

    Shortcut that almost cost me dearly...

    This made me laugh more than it should have. +beans
  5. Revocane

    You had to say hello with a bullet

    You need new friends. KoSing alone is one discussion but that'll for sure only end up endangering everyone else in your group. When someone gets trigger happy at anything that moves all that does is tell anyone around you that may or may not be friends with who you do actually see that you are hostile and armed.
  6. Revocane

    AK mods - where ?

    Without tents spawning proper loot at the moment not to mention most places in general, your best bet is to search barracks. These new patches have fucked up/nerfed all of the high-end loot spawns. Vybor military base, and Pavlovo military base barracks are your best bets. Bipods either only spawn around helicopters or not at all, but you can find the PSO-1 scopes, and the foregrips in the bunks. They are rare, but its possible to get them.
  7. Revocane

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I've even tried loading into official servers, keeps loading my regular character and not my hardcore one. I can't switch to 3rd person so its obviously 1st only but its the wrong character. I did manage to find one server that loaded correctly but I was immediately kicked afterwards. Fantastic.
  8. Revocane

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Been connecting to a bunch of different servers this morning. I play hardcore mostly which is why this is so strange because whenever I join a hardcore server it loads my regular character instead? I know some servers have done this before but it looks like its every hardcore server now that does it.
  9. Persistence isn't actually working. Any servers that do have it turned on can't even connect to the main hive properly to load your character or spawn loot. May as well forget about it until they fix it. Again.
  10. Revocane

    What exactly does persistence mean?

    They either should've pushed back the update until they fixed persistence or not of been harping on how its been added. The only situation it DOES work in is completely useless because the server not only cannot connect to the hive, but has screwed up loot spawns so you won't be able to find anything in the server anyways. Its pointless.
  11. Revocane

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    It sucks, yeah. But if you simply walk instead of sprinting inside/around buildings and fences its not a big deal. I played eight hours today and only had a couple of rubber banding instances after forcing myself to walk through buildings.
  12. Revocane

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Rubberbanding while out and about is fixed, but its 10x worse when entering/leaving buildings. I can run out of a building, and be on the otherside of town getting killed by zombies attacking me where the server thinks I still am.
  13. Revocane

    Bugged yet exhilarating

    With your crosshair on the body, roll your mousewheel. If they are dead you'll have the option to 'hide body'. If you only have the option to look at their gear than they are still alive.
  14. Revocane

    How often does the Epi-Pen work?

    Use a saline bag on them before you hit them with the pen, otherwise you'll just waste it. If their blood is too low to sustain consciousness when you use the pen by itself it isn't going to help.
  15. Revocane

    Cut Down The HC Servers In Experimental

    No, if anything cut down the number of standard servers and force more people to play hardcore.
  16. Revocane

    Blind Stream Sniping SapperSeven

    Long watch, but I felt it needed to be shared. Ran into a group of streamers during my own close to the end of the run and discovered we had ran into them more than once before. Plus a lot more. Its just a fucking game, come on. I hope they see this because they banned me from their chats when I tried explaining that I didn't even know who the fuck they were. So I dug up their stream archives and made a compilation with mine.
  17. Revocane

    Blind Stream Sniping SapperSeven

    SapperSeven has closed his Twitch account as of yesterday evening. Goodnight, sweet prince.
  18. Then don't buy a game still in alpha. Either deal with it, or stop playing, I guess. There is nothing else you can do, AFAIK.
  19. Common bug with the RDS. You are better off trying to relog, or just dropping it entirely.
  20. I don't get the obsession with wanting to try and meet/pickup girls while playing DayZ, but for reference I've played 450+ hours of DayZ so far and have ran into three female players for certain in that time. All three of them I shot, only two actually deserved it. The third was mistaken for a bandit trying to murder a freshie who she was chasing down with an axe but was actually her friend so we ended up helping them out.
  21. Revocane

    Blind Stream Sniping SapperSeven

    Yes, I couldn't agree more. I accept any fate that comes with streaming, and have been killed many times live. don't think I've ever once screamed 'stream sniper'. Its just part of the risk you take. Above all that, its just a game, and will only be just a game. Went back and did some searching. Morgan Freeman guy is actually from Venezuela. I sent him a friend request and have been trying to make contact but it might be difficult considering the status of his country right now. Hope that man makes it through because I want to make more videos and hang out with him.
  22. Revocane

    Blind Stream Sniping SapperSeven

    Sure thing, man. I'll check your channel out, I really doubt there is anyone thats a bigger douche than Sapper so you shouldn't have to worry about me killing you.
  23. Revocane

    Blind Stream Sniping SapperSeven

    I've sent friend requests to all three of these guys to talk to them over steam, they banned me there just like their chatrooms. The only thing I have left to try and get their attention with is if they either look here, or will bother reading my Twitch PMs I'll be sending to them.
  24. Small world, isn't it, friend? Glad to see you playing the SA, I myself have exclusively been playing 1PP servers for a past couple weeks now and it is fantastic all the way around. I enjoyed 3PP to be able to get a good look of my character from somewhere other than just the inventory screen or main menu. The 1PP servers almost feel like more of a challenge, yeah but its welcome, it adds to the excitement.
  25. Revocane

    I Can't Change/View My Character/Name?

    I would suggest verifying your game cache, and if that doesn't work just a clean install.