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gimmie gear

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About gimmie gear

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  1. gimmie gear

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    you sir.. need to rethink what you just said when i said i can play on other servers except for mine.. so thanks.. it was a battle-eye registry problem kthanks :)
  2. gimmie gear

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    sounds like all you guys are wrong lol.. Battle-eye was bugged and know im back playing and admining so thanks for not helping :D
  3. gimmie gear

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    its not stolen. but iv also done this
  4. gimmie gear

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    yeah its not stolen because i can join other servers but mine lol...
  5. gimmie gear

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    I am so lost for words right now I don't know were to begin. I Admin on the server MinceGaming DayZ.ST but frequently when i join i get "CD Key in use" like wtf.. i joined over 100 servers and i logged in NO problem.. but all of sudden i cant log into the server i admin for because CD key in use? like wtf.. someone help me plz? i tried the fixes iv looked for on the web about "RegEdit and verify cache re-installing. Nothing works!!! someone help me plz?
  6. gimmie gear

    public variable #2 admin panel?

    thanks amber so when i change that will it effect the anti cheat or? and is the PVDZ the script or what?
  7. ok, when i join my admin panel.. when im ingame i get kicked for public variable #2 why? i restart the server then i log in and i still get kicked and its only doing this on the 2.3 update of overwatch. im using EPM dayz rcon and blur anti hack ingame someone help me?
  8. LOLOLOL BlackWater, Private military company said no one ever xD
  9. gimmie gear

    Looking for 1-2 EXPERIENCED guys

    yeah no sorry iv played arma 2 for a long while before i played dayz and that was just a simple downloading lol :\ so ok not really release but iv played for little over a year and a half so :\ might as well be release the way i see it lol
  10. gimmie gear

    Looking for 1-2 EXPERIENCED guys

    sorry reqq i hear to many kids voices on side chat aready :( and wtf sausage??? bump!
  11. Im looking for 1-2 guys to play with me on breaking point who also has a lot of experience at the game who is mature, 18+, and can laugh. For me I have been playing sense release im a full time bandit i engage anyone (depending on the fresh spawns gear) i dont not use heli's maybe every now and then a car/ural and the only gear i carry is whats on my back :)
  12. gimmie gear

    TBU DayZ Server

    thanks you.. for banning me.. "Gimmie Gear.. and Gimmie Beans for nothing.. for restriction #38.. cuz your server isnt arma 2 pmc capable.. go thanks banning me cuz you assumed i hacked and cuz of Beans battleye kick and all Beans did was drop a m9 mag out of his bag becuz he had 1911...
  13. i sent you a PM on skype, m3mite
  14. gimmie gear

    Looking for or to Start a 2-3 Player Squad

    DayZ Player Name: Gimmie Gear Steam Username: DayZhero1 Age: 22 Proficient Role (i.e. Sniper, Spotter, AR Specialist, LMG Specialist, etc.): Sniper, Spotter, Rifleman Communication Preferance (Skype, Team Speak 3, Ventrilo, Mumble): Any of the above.. even Raidcall Skype Username: M3mite i play everyday from 1-6ish East Coast
  15. gimmie gear

    Holy Mother of FN FALs...
