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About cheeseit12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cheeseit12

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I really need help. I lost my backpack when it fell through the floor when I switched bags so I don't have any morphine I'm at 2k blood with a broken bone in the International Airfields Southern Barracks Ign: Curtis Steam: cheeseit69
  2. cheeseit12

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Yeah I'm having the exact same issue. I'm in a field and there is like 50 corpses in the middle of an empty field.
  3. Of course there would be bandits or "bad guys" in any place without a high power to control the population. Pirates, all the outlaws in the west and an argument could be made for the drug war in Mexico as real life examples. The thing is though it not realistic at all for the bandits to run around with zero consequences for their actions. In real life death is a huge deterrent for this behaviour. When you get hurt and die in real life I can safely assume being shot would hurt like fucking hell and the panic of seeing the blood pooling around you and watching yourself die a slow agonizing death same with being ripped to shreds by zombies being eaten alive and not losing conciousnous until the very end or falling and shattering a limb in the middle of a forest and knowing death is coming for days on end until the suffering is too much and you play your brains out. "Death" means nothing in the game. In the game you die a pretty SFW death no horrible pain and suffering then you jump right back in. When people who go around raping, pillaging and other bandity things are caught they often suffer the worst punishment available to criminals... People like to pretend they are bad asses online that would live the life of a bandit but in real life if the punishment is as gruesome as being drawn and quartered barely any one does this stuff. Hiding behind being anonymous is why people act the way they do running around and shooting people. Being tough online is easy doing the same in real life is a whole other story. A much much smaller percentage of people would go around murdering people in cold blood face to face in real life. Don't get me wrong there would be but anyone who can really murder another human being face to face with no remorse is sort of fucked up. Especially when it is in their own interests to group up. I have no issue with bandits at all. I actually enjoy the PvP aspect. My issue is that there is no reason to not just blow everyone you see away. As the OP stated different people bring different skills. Being a mechanical genius who can fix machinery with scrap metal won't help you feed yourself or if you get shot or maimed by a zed your also just as fucked. You need other people in an apocalypse. Hopefully direct comms being fixed will help this a bit but having a zero risk high reward life as a bandit will never make it go away. Also larger groups mean projects can be undertaken such as fixing a car and maybe even a helicopter... Possibly in the future creating small safe havens for other friendlies out there with working power. (On a side note I think it would be cool to have multiple layers of PvP. Like the smallest level fights are what occur now small skirmishes between random people in small groups. Then people fighting over resources such as fuel and electricity and then maybe even large groups fighting over towns and territory... Just throwing it out there) I would like to see a system in place where prolific bandits names become known through some sort of word of mouth between survivors... Someone suggested writing notes or writing on walls on the out skirts of the city. This means there is nothing that the game is doing that makes banditry hard its the players. Because really if someone was going around shooting people on sight word would get out and they would be infamous like what has happened time and time again in history. They might even be hunted to end the bloodshed and executed. After all so many people are hell bent on their version of realism what is more real than people gossiping? In real life there are consequences for running around blowing peoples brains out. Stop pretending there isn't. At the end of the day what Rocket wants is what Rocket will get. Discussion hurts no one. Also when you call someone a care bear it just means you can't actually argue intelligently and resort to name calling like a child. It gets pretty old when everyone is calling everyone else a care bear who has a slightly different vision of where they would like the game to go. Instead of calling names how about some constructive discussion yeah?
  4. cheeseit12

    Night Time Play

    I have not played much at night because I have no idea of how to go about it. I see people throwing flares all over and the getting shot to pieces because they high lighted themselves in the middle of town but wandering in pitch black through town is just begging to be zombie food. How do you guys play at night?