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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. This can be done with a joystick. Simply bind the 'forward' command to the throttle up on the joystick. Then when you push throttle up, character will auto run. Can be bound for vehicles too.
  2. I am getting SEVERE problems with this update. When driving a vehicle, the Zeds spawn like they should, but if they get close enough to the vehicle to hit it (as they should be doing as part of this patch), as soon as they do hit the vehicle I am booted from the game for "Battleye: Script Restriction #45" and all subsequent login attempts are met immediately with a "Battleye: Script Restriction #44" upon hitting the 'Ok' button from the lobby. After about 20 login attempts the server finally went thru the new login process and let me on. After which, I had to scramble to find the vehicle I had been driving and get away before any Zeds could attack it and get me kicked again. Wasn't an isolated incident either, vehicle was attacked 3 or 4 times and each time I was immediatly kicked in the manner described above. Also, on an unrelated note, I cannot figure out what this new 'weapon slots' upgrade to backpacks is supposed to be. After testing it, they seem to function just as they did before, with rifles taking up 10 slots in my Coyote backpack. Can anyone provide a link to explain it? The new food mechanics worked pretty well, I killed a cow by running it over and then gutted it. It gave me 6 of the new 'raw beef' loot. However, where the game normally tells you 'Gutted Cow: 6 Raw Beef on corpse' the name of the loot seems to be returning a null value to the server, as it now says 'Gutted Cow: 6 on corpse' and 'you cooked 6' instead of 'you cooked 6 raw beef'. Finally, Is it just me, or does it seem like there are A LOT less Zeds? They all agro'd correctly after the update, responding better to sounds etc, but there just seem to be so few of them, which I guess is a good thing considering all the issues I was having with them attacking the vehicle. Outside of those issues, the update contains a lot of things I had hoped would be included eventually. Provided the kinks get worked out, I say bravo.
  3. You are not sole arbiter of what is needed and not needed Panther, nor are you a font of data on how many chopper crashes and characters have L85s. I have raided literally DOZENS if not a hundred choppers with my clan. We have found 2 L85s at them. Plenty of FALs, plenty of Bizons, Plenty of DMRs, TWO L85s. You are wrong. Just accept it and move on.
  4. find vehicles' date=' make camps and await new updates for the game [/quote'] Or go kill people for their lootz, both are valid options, just because you disagree with one doesn't make it somehow against the rules.
  5. L85 is the rarest gun in the game. Fix what little duping exploits remain, and the 'problem' is solved. EDIT: Don't people learn from the bullshit that happens to other online games? Look at BF3, it was pretty fun when it came out, but then a bunch of morons on the forums started demanding this change and that buff and this nerf because that gun was too OP and this other gun was soooo usless, and now the game SUCKS. Just stop. The L85 is THE RAREST GUN IN GAME. It is SUPPOSED to be OP.
  6. Above poster clearly does not understand the amazing benefits that come with owning a chopper, nor the mechanics behind server crashes, nor the fact that server desync due to vehicles has been almost eliminated.
  7. Haven't heard anything official yet, even though the topic keeps popping up. Basically useless now though due to the fact that you cannot store stuff off the map.
  8. Those who decide what's right have changed what that means' date=' haven't they? [/quote'] Plenty of people in this thread calling for players not to be able to store gear and vehicles AT ALL, regardless of map bounds. Once you die you respawn along with all the gear you hid, etc. That is bullshit.
  9. "yuor nott plaing teh gaem rite!!!!111!!! teh on1y wai t0 plai iz teh wai i plai!!!!!11!! haorddin veclus iz n00000000 funnzzz!!!!!!!eleven!!!1one!! clanz n33d to plai teh wai i plai cuz itz teh ony rite funz wai!!!!!!!!!" All this bullshit needs to stop. Your way of playing (i.e. spending 95% of your time in chern because you die to people who are better prepared and then have to waste hours upon hours getting all your stuff back) is no more valid than any other way of playing.
  10. Bandit skins have been gone for a LONG time.
  11. Perhaps I should clarify that by 'stupid crap' I was referring to "ZOMG!!!!!11!!! Teh playurbaze iz goin byebuy!!!!!!!11eleven!!" Also people need to stop with the whole "everyone would not kill everyone" nonsense. The world is constantly, at best, a few hot meals away from becoming a hell hole. All it would take would be for the water and food supplies to be cut off in an urban or suburban area for a slightly extended duration and people would be killing each other over beans. Survival guides constantly state that the biggest threat to your safety during most types of catastrophes is OTHER PEOPLE. NOT the disaster itself.
  12. No brah.... WE ALL KNOW!!!!11!!! People need to stop posting this stupid crap. Are you just pretending to be retarded' date=' or were you born that way? Please re-read the OP post and realise that OP clearly didn't know that. Stop posting completely, it'd do the community a favour as I'm not sure you capable of rational thought. [/quote'] Seems your sarcasm meter is broken brosef. I was agreeing with you and making fun of the OP. Way to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation though...
  13. No brah.... WE ALL KNOW!!!!11!!! People need to stop posting this stupid crap.
  14. Worked hard? Really? All you've done is sit in front of your computer for a few hours playing a game. A game! Please reserve the phrase "worked hard" for things that actually involve sweat. Lame... Yea. No one who works in an indoor, air-conditioned environment works hard..... Thread going full retard.
  15. Yep.... Testing long term inventory and storage just wouldn't make any sense. After all, an alpha is only for testing the first hour's worth of experiences in a game....
  16. Posting this here as it will get a lot more traffic in general than in suggestions. Certain weapons taking up less space in a pack would make them a lot more useful. I currently carry two weapons with me, a DMR and a M4 CCO SD, and switch between them as the situation requires. I would rather carry a smaller silenced weapon that the M4 as I primarily use it to deal with Z's because the M9 SD sucks donkey balls. Unfortunately, the logical alternative to the M4, the MP5SD, takes up the exact same amount of room in a pack as the M4 does. Pistols take up too much room in a pack as well. A car wheel takes up six slots, but a Makarov takes up 5? That makes very little sense. Basically my idea would be to make pistols take up 3 spaces instead of 5 and for the SMGs to take up 5 instead of ten. This would make SMGs much more useful, and make putting a pistol in your backpack much more realistic.