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Posts posted by Raydano

  1. Hello there!

    I'm Raydano and i'm looking for a DayZ Origins group or clan.

    see, i'm tired of playing DayZ origins alone seeing as its mostly a multiplayer mod

    It would be amazing if i'd get a reply from a clan about this.

    Or even a group would be great, just a group of a few people (3/4) or even more!

    If you're interested feel free to contact me on skype: damianstolk

    If you have a teamspeak could you send it either here on the forums or on skype?

    -Thanks for reading!

  2. Name: Raydano (Damian)



    What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Close and personal.


    Do you have TS?:Yessir!

    Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Played a couple servers where i had a ton of gear,-Knows about every single special position (ivans lab) (sector b urals) (helispawns)

    Any Former Clan(s)?: Just got into joining clans.

  3. Hey fellow DayZ players.

    My name is Raydano and i would like to welcome you to my DayZ recruiting thread.

    I'am looking for players that like to:

    Be serious.

    Have some fun sometime.

    Also i do expect you to know How to play the game.

    Not much problems with age, I would prefer you to be 14+

    Aslong as you are a mature player.

    Me myself, I'm 14 but a really mature player that does not like to mess around and just wants to get something done.

    I do not know any server in particullar we could play on, but we can find out about that later.

    How to contact me:

    Skype: damianstolk

    Steam: Raydano

    Seeya in the woods buddy!


  4. Hey mate, I'm looking for a little squad to play with aswell.

    It really bugs me that when i need tons of blood i can't use bloodbags.

    Also when i'm in a fight with more than one player it would be usefull to have someone by your side.

    So yes I'm really interested in forming a squad with you.

    A bit more personal stuff:

    Age: 14

    Playstyle: Serious, In for some fun and action, And a mature player.

    I doesnt matter to be if we would be Bandits or Nice players to help others out.

    Aslong as some action is involved.

    Ways to contact me:

    Skype: damianstolk

    Steam: Raydano

    Contact me if interested.
