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About lherron

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  1. There is zero incentive to let someone live. It's pretty simple.
  2. Wow. That spiraled out of control quickly... nerd rage!!!!!!! Obviously this mod has a million issues (rooted in the fact that Arma 2 is pretty poorly built), and it's chock full of little bugs that can wipe out days and weeks of progress in a single click. Anyone who has played for any amount of time knows that. I don't blame the OP for venting, though it does muck up the forums with unconstructive flame bait. Why can't we /shrug and move on?
  3. Ever since I downloaded the beta the game has been pretty much perfect for me, in terms of connection issues. Not sure why you're having trouble. I'd full uninstall and follow these directions: http://teamsaints.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1 I'm sure you'll be fine.
  4. Well, in a way you're lucky. Because it's happening everywhere else.
  5. I want to give this thread 1 million stars.
  6. Hey, great thread here. Just like the one I started last week. People in both threads came up with some really smart ideas. How about this proposal, which is closely related to what you guys have been talking about: There is a radius around all major points of interest. The radius is posted by devs so everyone can learn them. They can be called "danger zones" or "no sleep zones". - If you log out or DC inside the radius, a system message appears to anyone nearby, and your body remains there for 5 minutes. You are unable to join any other server during that time. ---This is to prevent people from DCing to avoid confrontations within points of interest. - When you log back in (after logging out within a "no sleep zone") you are teleported to a random spot, 0-50 meters away from the perimeter of the "no sleep zone". ---This is key. No one will ever appear inside of the building you are in EVER AGAIN. And people can't hop servers, to gain a tactical advantage on you. - If you log out inside the "no sleep" radius, you cannot return to THAT same server for 15 minutes. ---This is to prohibit abuse of the "teleport" feature. Someone may see a gang of people roll into town and they want to teleport out of the area. But that server should be off limits for a longer period of time. This is the best I've come up with at this point. The key is to accomplish 3 things: - Make it harder to farm via server hopping - Eliminate DCing from high risk areas. The only way out should be to get yourself out on your power. - Create a game where you can tactically approach a high risk area and be confident that if you prepare and execute properly, no one can kill you by simply spawning in the middle of your operation. It's definitely not perfect yet, but if we keep spitballin ideas and come up with something awesome, perhaps it will stimulate the Dev team's own ideas. Then we've done our part in making DayZ a better game.
  7. lherron

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    I just exited the north side of the Balota airfield deerstand area, fresh with a GPS, pack, ammo, etc. and someone had laid a wire fence down inside the sandbag wall texture. I vaulted over. Instant death. Even if it had just broken bones and shit, I had a ton of med supplies. Game is so dumb sometimes.
  8. I'm sure it's a topic tossed around by the devs, likely a code/performance issue I'd guess, but it would be awesome to have wind. Sniping is far too easy. Would you vote yes or no for wind..
  9. Yup. Hospitals #1. Use this for everywhere else: http://dayzdb.com/map
  10. lherron

    Razor Wire!

    If you think that is bad, this game is not for you. You gotta be resilient to play DayZ, bud. Expect to work hard to find awesome shit, then lose it all in one mistake - or maybe not. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to prevent a death. Like in life. DayZ is a brutal yet visceral and satisfying experience. Approach it the right way, and it will be one of the best video game experiences you'll ever have.
  11. And the circle of DayZ is complete.
  12. lherron

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Bizon SD. Have one in my truck for covert situations, but it's very meh for a super rare spawn. Plus ammo is hard as fuck to find.