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Everything posted by .fish

  1. Hello, I am a boy of argentina, which plays long day z. usually the pirate had the game, I decided to buy it, and three months later I get a global ban, turns out that he was playing, I went from my base in lopatino. Going to the airport from the North, with my pickup truck suv. was loot, and I grab a sniper DMR and I check for global ban, I would like to know that I have to do to make me unban or another solution because I spend a lot of silver in this game almost $500, thank you very much and greetings (ID BAN)
  2. Hello and very good night. I need help about my day z server, I want to create a single launcher for the server, entering directly to the server. Does anyone know any tutorial? I need urgent, since people who play my server wants something new and I want to bring an official single Launcher from my server Thanks to all I'm still waiting for the day z standalone
  3. no no , dude this my objetive II want to create a launcher with visual basic, I need to learn how to do something quite similar to that, anyone can help me?
  4. .fish

    Day Z Wallpapers

    other wallpaper by me :3 http://i45.tinypic.com/nfjtz5.png
  5. .fish

    Day Z Wallpapers

    http://i49.tinypic.com/1z91qu.png thanks dude my work its copyright :$