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Everything posted by thirster

  1. thirster

    WARNING: Do not install!

    lets face it, these days the terms alpha and beta testers go out the window upon an open release, they dont mean what they once did. but i can see what you're saying, it is, however, disappointing to lose such a character who has seen so much, die to mundanely.
  2. thirster

    WARNING: Do not install!

    Lost my 60hr (8th on the longest lives list) character just now to this patch. creep up on an area move into building... server crash log back in to another server same place, gain bullet to back of skull... alot of hard to find loot gone in that moment i dont suppose theres anyway i can get them to roll my char back an hour or so?
  3. thirster

    DayZ Stories

    Dear Capt Foo. I'm sorry greed got the better of me, and for that I feel terrible. -Marharbal
  4. ANZ9 - Grim Re4per Deth Squad - Passworded server With the increasing amount of "Sliding" happening (server jumping for loot farming/tactical advantages in combat), I fail to see how a passworded safe zone for an organised group can be considered fair, I have already come into contact with many groups sliding around the Mil barracks in the NW airfield I was unsure as to whether post this here or not, as I couldn't find a list of declared cheats and exploits, so I apologise if this is in the incorrect forum screenshot coming I'm going to avoid saying out loud some of the ways this can be exploited, but there are a lot and some give them a massive advantage
  5. no no, I'm just saying that having it allows the potential for an unfair sliding advantage, I wasn't openly accusing them of sliding ;)
  6. well the server has only existed since sometime today, I've been on now for about an hour, and it's still that way