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About carlmonday

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. carlmonday

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    m4's and double action rifles are not end game gear maybe for a farmer but vehicles would be nice to have.
  2. carlmonday

    US 50 Admin Abuse

    Player Name: Kyle Sefcik
  3. carlmonday

    US 50 Admin Abuse

    Player NAME: Kyle Sefcik I was banned as well. I'm honestly sick of admins abusing their power if I make a base and someone finds it and steals all my stuff or steals my car I just find a new place to set up or I find a new car I can't ban people and this is just part of the game. If people "the admins" are going to just ban people for playing as a bandit which is one of the aspects of the game that is just wrong. Along with this server i have been banned from US 57 by the admin because he decided he was going to have every helicopter on the map so I and some friends stole his helicopters and blew up his tents. Following this i was banned for supposed hacking. I don't hack I play the game the way the creators thought that some people were going to play it and now I'm banned for it. As well as the whole checking the logs thing they also said while playing on US 50 that they could check the logs and come steal all of my stuff so now these admins have some kind of Cheat for running the server.