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Velvet Remedy

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Everything posted by Velvet Remedy

  1. Velvet Remedy

    Stupidest people you have encountered in DayZ

    Probably the bandits who spent hours sniping from the same spot in Calimar (Lingor) without expecting somebody to sneak up behind them. To be fair everybody on the server seemed to have kept coming from the same direction, and we did have three our of team distracting them.
  2. Velvet Remedy

    How many of you bought arma 2 just for dayz?

    I would not have purchased Arma 2 for the base game itself, but I did enjoy the base game when I played Arma 2 Free. I just wouldn't have gotten the game if it wasn't for DayZ's inclusion.
  3. Velvet Remedy

    Bambi Concentration Camp Liberated!

    I would agree if I didn't know multiple people who have tried to set this up before.
  4. Velvet Remedy

    The Day Before the Standalone

    Take the time to hunt down the red hatchback, drive it to the NWAF, and hide in the trunk. There i'll walk away for a few hours and see where somebody takes me.
  5. Velvet Remedy

    Why are you not a bandit?

    Banditry just isn't appealing to me. I used to play with two heroes and two bandits. The bandits would always kill every random we encountered when we traveled together, and it was just easy. The only truly intense moments I ever experienced when we traveled with the bandits happened when we engaged other bandits, or they engaged us. In the end my two friends and I split off from the bandits and killed them when they came after us.
  6. Private Servers are called "private" for a reason darling. I personally refuse to associate myself with most private servers because of versatility. The last private server I was on went on vacation and never returned. I also find the constant threat of looming danger to be rather alluring. But for the members of the community who would rather not have to worry about losing their items those friendly enforced private servers should serve as their haven.