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Velvet Remedy

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About Velvet Remedy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Velvet Remedy

    Chance of spawning as different characters

    Different skins, yes. My favorite thing about origins is while your face remains the same you have a good chance at a different skin every time you spawn or become a higher level hero/bandit. Different load-outs might be nice. Each load-out would have to be similar enough that there's no reason to suicide to get the best one, yet there's enough diversity for it to be worth implementing the feature.
  2. Velvet Remedy

    Is it still easy to gear up? (Hope not)

    It's always going to be easy to find loot once you know where to look. However, the duping of weapons seems to have been largely fixed. They aren't handing out AS50s at the supermarket anymore.
  3. Velvet Remedy

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    I guess i'm the only one who enjoys 200+ vehicles. I find it really boring when finding a vehicle is the highlight of your stay on the server. Back in the early days where when you saw a guy on a bike you saw the grail... those were dark times.
  4. Velvet Remedy

    I wish I spawned with a...

    A tricycle. I can see it now.... riding past a bandit camp, honking the horn as I tear through the undergrowth wildly. The bandits reach for their weapons as hundreds of zombies descend upon their unfortunate souls.
  5. Velvet Remedy

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    Let me rephrase the situation: You're walking through Cherno, when you hear a voice from an alleyway. A guy with broken legs promises you a ghillie, gps, random weapon, and possibly a DMR. Do you leave him, shoot him, or help him. Help a citizen, make bank, walk away with a happy feeling in your heart and some good gear on your back.
  6. Velvet Remedy

    A little story...

    Krullboll, what a guy!
  7. Bandits are the ones who make DayZ worth playing. They're the ones who'll engage in firefights with me that might last an hour if I have gear they want. Cowards are the ones who are just disgruntled DayZ players, who can't seem to handle the fact that they're going to die. The ones who lost items one too many times and decided to become worse than what they hated. They'll try to kill you, and when they fail they combat log the second a bullet lands nearby.
  8. Velvet Remedy

    DayZ Mod Update

    New weapons that aren't the AS50? Nice. Well then.
  9. Velvet Remedy

    Script Restriction #41 Problem

    Could you list what you mean by "both of the fixes" so we know what you've tried and have not tried? I don't know anything about any "fixes", only a short term solution/work around you must repeat every time you shut the game down. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109782-dayz-script-restriction-41-bug-fix/ This is the method I use, although recently i've been playing servers that don't have the script restriction problem (or at least not restrictions involving in-game skins). They're not too hard to find,
  10. Velvet Remedy

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    Buddy of mine was pretending he lost control of our Littlebird. Then his wireless mouse died while we were over water. Bottom of the ocean in ten seconds flat. I'm told you could see the fireball from the beach.
  11. I get close while remaining undetected, alerting my comrades to their position. Then I walk out and say hi.
  12. Velvet Remedy

    Does this always kill choppers?

    My friends and I once landed a Huey on the roof of the International Hotel after a long night of refueling and looking for the final piece of windscreen glass. Littlepip's reasoning was the only place you see the chopper from was the top of Cherno hill. The very same place where people camp with high powered sniper rifles, looking to ruin somebody's day. I wasn't very surprised with what I came back to the next day. Also, the guy below me knows what he's talking about.
  13. Velvet Remedy

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    It's not my funniest, but it's my shortest. Littlepip and I were refueling our hatchback that had found with our little bird. A third friend we'll call AJ was going into the gas station to check for supplies, when Littlepip decides to toss a frag grenade at the gas station, but not before warning AJ. The frag sails from Littlepip's hand, landing as AJ turns to run. AJ made it a solid seven feet away from the gas station before the explosion. So did the grenade, which had bounced off the windowsill and landed completely not in the gas station. We're still scraping bits of him off the floor.
  14. Velvet Remedy

    Where do you find ghillies?

    I've found seven or eight Ghillie suits. They were all in churches, or these odd red brick buildings with an arch over the front doorway.
  15. Velvet Remedy

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    1) Find a hatchet and a backpack big enough to hold a gun 2) Find gun for bandit encounters 3) Meet up with Littlepip and her entourage 4) Hunt bandits or find a vehicle. Whichever comes first.