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About optionism

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    Good 'ol Texas
  1. optionism

    Serious FPS problems.

    Well on my POS laptop, i got dayz installed. It was a nightmare trying to play it. I looked for a solution to increase fps and found this: http://dayz-survivor.com/2013/03/01/dayz-fps-arma2-config-fps-boost/ Followed that and i had my fps boost about 10 extra frames
  2. What are your pc specs?
  3. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    In the end, I think I am just going to have to let namalsk go. It isn't a large install, its below 1000mb, only takes me like 30 minutes. But I wonder why this map will not work.
  4. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    It's not. Everytime I start commander it tells me that I do not have CO or have manually started both of them, and if I would like to buy CO. I already bought CO, but when I reinstalled arma 2 and OA, it doesn't give me the option to run Arma 2: CO
  5. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    At first I downloaded it off the website, then I tried it and then I removed it and tried commander, same results
  6. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    It wouldn't matter I can't undo it, my AO crashes everytime I try to load it up. Everything messed up my arma just because I wanted to play namalsk on dayz, didn't know it would ruin my game
  7. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    First of all, when I start OA, I get a message saying "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack" I had fully installed the map and about to play until another message pops up ingame saying namalsk.sound missing, then when trying to join dayz server, it said that I had deleted.namalsk, and missing a couple of other files. On top of all this, now my OA crashes upon starting
  8. optionism

    Namalsk problems

    I fully installed the map, have all the files, yet it refuses to let me play on namalsk servers. What is possibly wrong? Forgot to add that after my steam was messed up I reinstalled it and Arma 2 and AO, now I can't run them as CO even after I purchased them as Combined operations, and manually started them both. No idea what's goin on.
  9. optionism

    Another guy with fps-problems :(

    Hm, my laptops specs are worse than yours, yet I only get a bit of fps drop when in the woods. It is more than likely that 2.30 GHz processor you got goin on there, is it a dual core? Other than that, no reason why it shouldn't run if you play on low settings
  10. optionism

    Dayz Namalsk Partner

    If you want to take a bite, I am tossing the line... Steam: Optionism
  11. optionism

    An idea for the Radio.

    Well, I believe rocket already has plans for the radio, but this is a good point you make. Sadly, radios wouldn't be needed much for we have chat programs like TeamSpeak, Skype, Ventrillo, RaidCall, etc. that there is no real use of the radio, unless you would want to play authentically without using foreign programs.
  12. optionism

    What should i do?

    You should have played the game the way it was meant to be played, instead of goofing off and attempt to ruin the game. It was nobody's fault but your own, you wanted to do this action, and a consequence came as a result of it. If you really want to play again, and you can't get a CD key, I would wait for steam winter sales, when the game is around $20
  13. optionism

    System requirments

    play for yourself, cause they have ARMA 2 Free. Unless you already have the game...
  14. optionism

    AS50 TWS in pile of loot...

    you can keep hacked in items on you, as long as you weren't the one hacking. Ran with a group, and we found a hacked in box with everything, my mates picked out nice guns, but I didnt care for I thought I would get banned, a week passed and nothing happened. But I still say, use at own risk.
  15. Eh, I would have to run all the way to the coast, but why not?