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About KoRnage_1

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  1. KoRnage_1

    Aus/NZ Servers

    Can only find ANZ 3, 5, 7 and 8. All NZ servers as well as AU 2 are running a different beta version to the rest so I can't get into them. Of the rest, ANZ 3 and 5 are automatically kicking me (and others) out after 30 seconds for my ping being too high even though my connection is fine. ANZ 7 and 8 are currently night time and so are my last resort, while all other ANZ servers such as 1, 2, 4 and a few others are missing from my server browser. Anyone else? Edit: Ok, so I can see a few more ANZ servers now, but they are showing up with a ping of 187+ in orange and all kick me out within 30 seconds of spawning through battleye for my ping being too high. ANZ 7 and 8 still let me play but I much prefer to use the others (which worked fine for me up until today :/ ). Edit No.2: ANZ 2 finally showed up in the server browser with a normal ping in green writing. Have joined and am playing now with no worries. Very fast connection time too. Yay!
  2. Reckon a lot of the LoS and super-sight problems people are experiencing with the zombies are actually more to do with noise rather than sight. I didn't have a lot of luck crouching early on so went prone and held the shift key through the entire town of Pusta looting every single building, barn and doghouse and was only attacked twice by zombies. Both times after I was spotted and attacked, I ran while crouched until I was 50 meters or so out of town and then sprinted as fast as I could through the open field to the treeline until I was far enough away to turn around and take out the zombies following me without any more hearing the shots from my Remington. I then proceeded back into town to continue looting, making sure to once again travel prone as soon as I was close enough to the town to be at risk of being spotted by zombies. Yes it takes a little longer to do it this way, and I do agree that at least the sound produced by walking while crouching probably needs to be toned down just a little, but all in all I didn't really have to many worries staying under the zombie radar this time. The key for me was to treat every moment like I would in a real life situation - After all, ARMA 2 and the DayZ mod are both simulations at heart, not video games. Positives - Inventory I was able to pick up a hatchet using the mouse wheel, while my primary weapon was in my tent, and I was able to harvest wood for a fire with it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Harvest wood". I then dropped it near my tent by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Drop wood" option, and I picked it up again about an hour later, again using the mouse wheel, and even killed 3 zombies with it in a barn without getting so much as a scratch. The hatchet was still in the same spot by my tent on the ground when I logged out not 10 minutes ago, even though I'd traveled far and wide with no one left at my tent for much of my session. Also didn't have any duplicating problems with Hatchet and Crowbar ammo, or even see any for that matter (I did have these problems in - Zombie Line of Sight Like I said above, I had a few problems with zombies when I first hit Pusta and tried crouch-walking my way through town, though I really do think that this had more to do with the zombies HEARING me....not SEEING me. After I started going prone while holding shift to make my way through town, I was only spotted by zombies twice - once in a building when I didn't see him standing in the room as I entered it, and the other time was when I turned the corner of a fence without checking it well enough and a zombie walked straight into me. Was able to avoid any other contact despite getting within 10 meters of them sometimes. -Server Load Times Much improved. Thumbs up! Negatives - Frame Rate Have never been below 25 FPS on this game with my brand new top of the range computer until that session I just had then. Like I've already said, I was only in the small town of Pusta most of the time, so I'd hate to see what Cherno/Elektro are like at the moment! Definitely has something to do with the zombies. Started getting a frame rate in the low 30's once I hit the town, and when I first aggro'd a couple of zombies and headed for the hills to kill them, it was down to the low 20's. It surprisingly didn't get any better after I'd killed the zombies who were after me and by the time I'd had my second zombie confrontation and finally left the town, I was down to 10-15 FPS. Certainly not my hardware or my settings. - Zombie Viewing Distance As others have said, it could probably use a little toning down, not too much though. Same argument could be mounted for the amount of noise emitted from crouch-walking. That's pretty much it from my experiences with version so far, will add anything else as it comes to me.
  3. Ok, it's working now :) Would love to let you guys know how I did it, but yeah, I pretty much have no idea. All I know is that now to get DayZ running I have to start Operation Arrowhead from it's root directory in steamapps\common\operation arrowhead (or via a created shortcut) instead of through steam and instead of running Combined Operations. I then struggled with the "debug forest" bug (no trees, water, buildings - just grassy hills) for about the past hour until some nice chap from the server I was in told me to hit "respawn" and join another server. So thank you to everyone who put up with my anger and whining and tried to help me. Much appreciated guys, and I'll be sure to hang around in case I run into further problems (touch wood). Now to FINALLY hunt me some zombies on my 50" Plasma on the highest settings :) :) :)
  4. Was recommended this guide by a friend who only just finished installing DayZ with no problems. Had both ArmA 2 and OA updated (excluding beta patch) by this morning before work so was ready to go when I got home. Followed every single instruction perfectly except that I used Winrar instead of 7-zip to extract the DayZ files. Still extracted them where instructed in c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\operation arrowhead\@DayZ\addons but after setting the launch options for Operation Arrowhead to -mod=@DayZ through Steam and then right clicking on Operation Arrowhead in Steam to select "Run as Combined Operations", the @DayZ logo failed to appear underneath the main ArmA 2 logo in the top right hand corner of the main menu screen. When I click on "expansions" however, @DayZ is enabled in the list and I actually can't disable it. Then, when I try to join a server, I get the missing DayZ files error and get booted back to the server browser screen. Really at a loss...Where to from here folks?
  5. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 You mean that ^^^ All up to date according to that. The "direct3d 9" problem only ever seems to happen after I've tried out a few different things because yet another guide has let me down. I even fixed that error once by making OA open in windowed mode' date=' so I can't see how that could mean I need to update DX9? Also, before attempting to install DayZ, I can play both ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead vanilla just fine. [hr']
  6. Have just read through all the replies and I can honestly say that to the best of my knowledge, I have done every single step in the exact order you guys have listed at least once, if not twice or three times. Always ends up with one error or another, as described in my earlier post. I really do appreciate the quick replies, but most of thsoe suggestions are very similar to most guides out there, none of which seem to be working for me thus far. #GoingInsane
  7. Seriously, I wouldn't know where to start in regards to the insane amount and variation of errors I've had trying to get this running. Everything from "Direct3D 9 graphical engine" problems on startup, to not being able to join servers due to missing DayZ files and Chernarus files, to Operation Arrowhead and Combined Operations running as the standalone ARMA 2 for some reason, to missing files like "CA_Building Parts" "CA_Characters" "CAAir" before the game even starts up. You name the problem, and I've had it...multiple times. Remember, I've tried getting this running soooo many times now and each time there are always a combination of the above problems. My latest attempt an hour ago was by following this guide - Everything seemed to be running ok until I noticed an "Addon folder" in the main Operation Arrowhead folder (steam/steamapps/common/operation arrowhead). Pretty sure that isn't meant to be there and was probably there from last time I tried screwing around to stop the "missing chernarus" problem upon attempting to join a server. I removed the folder and continued on with the guide, following it exactly word for word. I then followed the rest of the instructions, again word for word, until the end where he clicks "play game". Now, yes I made sure "game version" was set to ARMA II - CO, but for some reason the original ARMA II loaded up and I get "CAAir missing addon CAA_characters_E" error (or something similar). ARMA 2 still loads up but without the option of an OA expansion and I can't join any DayZ servers due to missing DayZ files. From there, I just went hell for leather trying everything under the sun in a fit of rage.......ok well not that bad, but nothing I did fixed the problem, and the problem quickly turned into the Direct3D 9 error and other numerous missing file errors. See, not exactly easy to explain....but I do very much appreciate someone actually taking the time of day to look into it.
  8. As the title says, 8 f***ing days! Can somebody, for the love of gaming, please, please, please, please, please, pretty freakin please run me through this shit step by step. And for god's sake, DO NOT DIRECT ME TO ANOTHER GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT GUIDE THAT DOES NOT, REPEAT, DOES NOT WORK! Sorry for the anger but god damn, I just spent fifteen hundred dollars on a new PC just for this mod and after 8 days it's fair to say that I'm at the last straw. PLEASE HELP! Re-downloading the patches for both ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead through steam for the 6th time. That's another 14gb's to bring my total to 70gb's in 5 days! This is just stupid. I have to work tomorrow and I live in Australia so I can be back in this thread after work in about 20 hours from when I posted this. Please someone have mercy and give me step-by-step instructions on how to do this properly, please.