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**AU36 now has it's own TS3 server for players to use - details are in the load-in news** Howdy, So currently there's a huge lack of vanilla dayz pew pew in Australia. Until nao! AU36 - - 50 slots Vanilla (and will be staying that way) with some slight changes. Side chat on (this might come off depending on feedback)Full moon, sort of - trying to get like, semi full moon so it's just enough to see but still working on it85ish total vehicles.Couple extra little birds (2 seaters) added, now 4 total on the map.*NEW* tonne of custom vehicle spawn locations - standard DayZ vehicles - mainly more possible locations for low end vehicles (motorbikes/skodas/hatchbacks etc) near coastal towns.JSRS enabledVeteran settingsActive admins that don't use admin powers for advantage ever (we don't even have infistar or anything because $$)No custom loadouts or p2w bullshizerDeath messages off*Map waypoints disabled* 25/5Server time changed from GMT+10 to GMT+8, allows a bit of daytime play for the AU working lads when they get home 29/5Max ping 350ms24 hour cycle - gets night around 9:30pm AEST If you haven't played Vanilla in a while, check out the patch notes to learn about some of the cool new additions, like crafting/basebuilding (especially stashes!) and pickup trucks with GODDAMN MACHINE GUNS IN THE BACK!! (^^ actual in-game photography) I've set these to very low spawn rates with custom spawn locations with a maximum of three on the map at any one time. Planning on adding more custom vehicle spawn points depending on feedback but no other modifications currently planned. Vanilla all the way. Enjoy.
Vilayer have decided that due to my "modified" files (I mean, I did change the difficulty to Veteran because I'm such a leet modder) that fixing the problem is not their responsibilty. They disable my server for a day, also corrupting my settings files, then do nothing to fix my problem.
Just so you guys all know, I now have confirmation that this isnt due to my own incompetence (I was actually worried about this myself) Vilayer just informed me that another customer on my node had faulty mods, creating error logs that filled their entire disk and therefore disabled my service and somehow emptied a bunch of my config files. It takes them 16 hours to tell me this. 24/7 support Also the problem isn't even fixed. The ticket response also says "your server is now working" when it very clearly isn't - some other config files must've been screwed because players spawn in debug with no gear... And this chaps, is why you don't use vilayer. I assume I'll be waiting another 1x hours for them to figure out that it's actually not working, eventually I'll prolly get something like last time "Yeah jnas, unfortunately, if you remember, you modified the database a little bit because the default cleanup routines we gave you for tents/vehicles/etc - yeah they don't actually work so you had to make your own - however now we won't give you any support because modifying the database is not something we support - so go figure it out yourself" "Wait, it was working perfectly right before your other customer managed to disable my service for 16 hours?" "Yea, it was, sorry bruh"
Hey bud, glad you enjoyed. I'm currently still without a response from Vilayer, so I have no clue when it might be back up. If Vilayer sort out this issue the server will be back up (no idea if this will happen, their 24/7 support only runs a few hours a day I think) then it will go down again in a week or so when I don't pay the 2nd month's invoice. Tomorrow I'll be looking at new providers, if I get one sorted I'll make a new post here. PS: I was worried that maybe something is filling up the server hard drive and causing the "hard disk full" errors I'm getting - however, earlier today I backed up the entire server and database and the entire thing comes to less than 700meg so apparently Vilayer DayZ mod servers have <1gig of hard disk
I would love help moving to a new provider. Not easy to find in Australia, and I don't have the money or expertise to run my own dedi. Glad you enjoyed it, we were just starting to get a solid playerbase :(
Hey guys, I'm still awaiting even a reply from Vilayer's "24/7 support". After a ridiculous amount of hassle with these people to run the most basic, unmodded server possible - it is with a heavy heart that I'm going to be taking it down. I really don't like putting my name on a service with such poor support, and having problems that Vilayer assure me they can deal with, but never actually dealing with them, so I never have any answers for my players on when anything will get fixed. It took Vilayer literally four days and 25 ticket posts back and forth to even get the service turned on when I initially provisioned it (they quote one hour for this), dealing with support techs who ask me "why have you modified your database and messed up all the tables" when I hadn't even logged into the database, ever - it took literally 72 hours and 25 back and forths before they realised that I hadn't even touched the DB and their installers were completely screwed. They've said to me 2 weeks ago that the patch is being "worked on" and I still have no update or ETA. They don't even let me know what is going on or where they are at in terms of this update. This is in addition to the majority of their default SQL cleanup routines being so old they don't work at all. Vehicle cleanup, tent cleanup, barbed wire etc - nope. Moving dead characters from the main character_data table - nope. Gotta do that yourself. One support tech flat out told me to steer well clear of the majority of their routines. Argh. Also - they advertise "TS Support" - in that you can log onto their TS server to get support - but the TS3 support server they advertise (for all games, not just DayZ mod) has been offline since January. Don't use Vilayer for dayzmod game servers. They are absolutely not managed or supported to anything even close to what they advertise. I've backed up the entire DB (this means characters, vehicles, bases etc) and am looking for a new provider, however pickings are slim in Australia. Any suggestions welcome! Keep an eye on this thread and with some luck I'll get it back up. Thanks for all the fish!! PS: Edited to make more civil. This whole Vilayer mess got me a little wound up :D
Sorry duder :( Quick update for everybody: I purged a bunch of old logs and everything started working again (after I setup the empty config files to work again) but 3 hours later the same problem started occuring and I got "no disk space remains" errors. This being a Vanilla server, I've never uploaded anything special to the server - it's just pure vanilla - I've no idea what could be using up the disk space. I've gone through the entire server and DB looking for bloated logs, unnecessary duplicates or other possible causes for this problem but can't find anything. In any case Vilayer advertise no storage limit for this service so I'm a little stumped. Awaiting their response. Really sorry guys.
It seems my lovely provider Vilayer have once again caused major havoc and my server is once again down. When I woke up this morning my config files were empty, trying to set them back again gives me "no more hard disk space" errors in my control panel. Vilayer Game Servers. FTW. I've logged super urgent tickets regarding this, hopefully it won't take long to get back up. Thanks for your patience.
Heyas, My player_data table seems to have stopped recording new players name's/PUIDs Is this normal? Makes it hard for me to correlate player names to entries in character_data.
Oh my god. Thanks vinyl.
Ok the table is limited to 1000 rows. Can I remove this limit, or can I manually delete the oldest entries without causing problems? I'm a complete noob to SQL apologies for my ignorance.
In standard Vanilla, vehicle component damage is not random, unless the server has a custom pMain script. pMain (the sql routine responsible for spawning new vehicles) does have a random component for hull damage which is easily enabled/disabled, but this is NOT applied to component/part damage - the default pMain gives all newly spawned vehicles specific component damage according to the default hitpoints in the "object_spawn" table. Basically if a server is running the standard pMain, vehicle component damage is not random. However it's super easy to set low-tier vehicles to 50% default component damage across the board and low fuel, so they will be driveable but their components can't be salvaged, meaning the low level vehicles can't be farmed for easy access to parts. They also won't be able to suffer much damage before requiring repair. This is what I do on AU36 for almost all ground vehicles.
http://www.gametracker.com/search/dayzmod/?query=vanilla Currently the 3rd most popular vanilla server on the planet!! Come join in and enjoy the heart-racing action from the game that started it all - DayZ mod!!
Adding spawn locations yourself is super easy. eg if you want a new SUV location, make a duplicate row of one of your existing spawn locations, change the UID to something random, and set a new worldspace. You can set worldspace easily and accurately by running your own toon to where you want the vehicle to spawn, logging out, then copying your toon's worldspace to the new spawn row.
Here's some sick content from Bojangles from his time on AU36.
We now have a TS3 server for y'all to use. Details are in the load-in news.
server_monitor.sqf needlessly updating vehicles on restart
jnas posted a topic in Server Owners and Admins
I made a post about this small problem here > http://opendayz.net/threads/vehicle-cleanup-routine-probs-dayz-1-8-5.21859/ tl:dr - I run a completely vanilla DayZ server. A large proportion of my map's vehicles are having their "last_updated" field reset to sysdate somehow a minute or two after each restart. At first I thought it was an sql routine but it seems as though my server_monitor.sqf is the culprit. It's not a huge problem, but this issue makes pCleanup much less effective as so many vehicles are having their "last_updated" field reset to sysdate after every restart. I can't see a pattern in why only some vehicles are having this problem. Sometimes vehicles that have just been spawned in by the restart are affected and have their last_updated field reset a few minutes after, but sometimes not - it's a bit weird. Thanks in advance for any help, J -
Heyas! Firstly Razor you are my hero because this game is the greatest game on the planet. Some of the new buildings aren't on the map yet - like hospital/office at zeleno, new buildings to the west of NWAF - any plans to add them to the (ingame) map? Z
Is that after several restarts? They don't have a 100% chance of spawning each restart
Setting the vehicle max number won't do anything past about 70, or something like that. If you want more vehicles you need to increase the max number of each particular vehicle and then also ensure you've added enough spawn locations if necessary. Also pretty sure this sub-forum is for advertising servers and illustrating the features of said server. Probably want to put this thread in the server owners subforum.
Howdy Anybody know whether manually updating my vilayer (non-dedicated) server to is a good idea or not? My server has gone insane quiet since steam pushed through, I asked vilayer for an ETA a few days ago but no response yet. Just wondering if anybody has any experience doing manual vanilla updates on Vilayer managed servers. J
Turns out manually updating is fine, just takes some messing around and light foreplay. Actually took me a solid 10 hours because I didn't know wtf I was doing, but I do now. If anybody wants a hand manually upgrading their own vanilla vilayer game server shoot me a PM bruh.
Ok all sorted. Goddamnit that was a educational day for me. It's going to take me a little while to configure everything again (did a fresh install) but should be up in about 30min. There's going to be a few little settings I have to update before it's back to normal so please bear with me.
Vilayer has just informed me that they still have no ETA on an update. I'm right now having a crack at doing it myself, but due to their custom coding and pbo packing there's not a lot of resources on the net to help me figure it out. If anybody has any advice I'm all ears! Apologies chaps. I didn't realise that managed servers have such poor support when I started this server. I'm looking at taking the server elsewhere if anybody has any suggestions!