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About WildJoker1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have only had a few posts on this forum, I am the main admin for this server. And I promise even if you could steal peoples CD Key's, we would not do that. We are fair, we treat others with respect on our server, unless your name is VanZeppelin and I usually shoot him in the leg lol. But that's just him. We discourage any hacking, if I or any of my moderators catch hacking we will ban them from the server. If someone is reported to be hacking we will investigate, but we will not blindly ban people from the server. We are working right now on getting a TS server up and going so people can talk freely. We are running a Rmod 2.1 server so if you would like to have fun hang out and kill Zeds and NPC's come on we would love to have you.
  2. WildJoker1

    Im Looking For A Server Close To Kentucky

    my server is based out of Dallas TX but myself and friends play from KY
  3. Yeah I was on there earlier today also and ran around for a couple of hours found a heli and fixed it up and then hid it, went to try and log back on it says that I have been banned for teleporting. I think it's funny that one player poses such a huge threat.