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illicit (DayZ)

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About illicit (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. illicit (DayZ)

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    None of them run windows installs that allow randoms to install whatever they want on them. Possibly the stupidest reasoning I have heard in relation to this subject. ROFL. So basically you can barely code worth anything? Not possible to stop hacking when you don't have control on what the end user can install on their PC. Not with the current way PCs are designed. It would require a hardware and OS redesign (in conjunction with each other) to get even close to stopping hacking, and even then someone would come up with a hardware mod that would allow you to hack. P.s. to the retard that thinks WOW is hack free, there are shitloads of client side hacks and bots for wow. The gold farmer is talking about hacking user account via blizzard or the client which is hard to do, not someone writing an esp hack or a bot... And for the record mister .net engineer (ROFL) I used to write hacks in assembly for a number of games (mostely for a random game called knights online) so unlike you I actually have some idea what I am talking about. Also just think about it for a second, no one has managed to come up a way to even stop game piracy despite all sorts of DRM been thrown around. It always gets hacked. AND THIS IS WORTH BIG MONEY TO PUBLISHERS. If they can't stop that do you really think for a second they will stop client side hacks such as aimbots and ESP?
  2. illicit (DayZ)

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    You lack understanding on how hacks and anti cheat work and why there is a delay in VAC bans. VAC detects cheats in multiple ways, but the delay bans you are talking about is the signature scan part of VAC. This is basically the same as how virus scanners work in that they are looking for a signature or behaviour on your PC that flags you are using a cheat. The delayed bans are only for NEW cheats and the idea behind the delay is awesome, not a bad thing like you make out. Basically most hacks these days are paid hacks that you can buy (while there is still private ones kicking around). Because of this, the hacks are constantly being updated to get around anti cheat as they make money from this. So the hack writers are constantly changing their hacks so they aren't detected by VAC, and the VAC guys are constantly updating VAC so they detect them. VAC when they detect a new variant, wait a number of weeks, so they can BAN the most amount of people possible. If they started banning on day one of the hack,the guys writing the hacks alert their users and in some cases automatically stop them from loading and then only a small amount of people actually get caught. So I shouldn't need to spell it out to you any more why VAC delay bans for new hacks. VAC is actually the best anti-cheat out there. Is it perfect? No, but if you think punkbusters or BE are better then you are seriously misinformed.
  3. illicit (DayZ)

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Correcting: I split my steam games between ssd and hdd. If you are using windows 7 you need to use the mklink command. Basically install steam on your hdd. Install DayZ. Cut dayz from the steam folder (it will be something like Steam\SteamApps\common\dayzstandalone) to your SSD. Use mklink from the command prompt to make a junction from where dayz was to where it is now (which basically tricks steam into thinking it hasn't moved. E.g mklink /j e:\steam\steamapps\common\dayzstandalone d:\games\dayzstandalone Beans please. :D