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Nightcrawler (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Nightcrawler (DayZ)

  1. Ok, lets see if I can get successfully rescued this time!

    A: In-game name: Good Guy Greg

    B: Condition/ailments: Broken Leg

    C: Location: Ground floor of barn in Pass Sosnovy 030/084

    D: Character description: Survivor, aviators, sideburns, alice pack

    I can offer you an M1911 and loads of food. Please PM me on here if you can help.


    No problem. It was fun. It adds a sort of "goal" to this game, trying to revive players. I like it.

  2. A: Ultimus Mox (However my friend Hawke needs the medical help)

    B: low on blood and infected.

    C: The field east of the Devil's castle (0703)

    D: I have a bandit skin (which i got defending myself but whatever) and my friend just has the civillian normal skin

    other: this infection is making us really vulnerable and i was hoping we could find antibiotics in Berezino but we did not, and we headed north, but my friend's blood is running really low now.

    Skype: Master_wizardry

    I'm in that exact location. I have blood, but don't remember if I have antibiotics. I won't be on until later this evening however. Probably at around 6:30pm Pacific Time. I am in California.

  3. Door opened on my leg at green mountain. Been trying all day to get back to Stary Sabor to see if my body that died with all my gear is still there. Been getting killed every time trying to get back there. This is the latest of my troubles. Even if my stuff is gone... I still need to get there... I has been my white whale today. I must conquer.

    A-- IGN: Nobody

    B-- Broken Leg, Extremely low on blood

    C-- Inside Green Mountain Tower

    D-- Normal Character, with aviator sunglasses

    Don't need help anymore. :)
