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About Cenewulf

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cenewulf

    not sure if real...(DayZ commander)

    k thanks clicked never bother me again
  2. ok before i possibly fubar my computer. i just about started dayz commander 4 minutes ago prior to writing this. and it shows me this window talking about new tools and giving my email address for news and a possibility to be selected for the beta test. i clicked skip for now because i need to know if thats legit or not.
  3. I forget who said it before (And I credit you sir or madam) But personally I would also like to see the medical system like in Metal gear solid 3 where there were steps to fixing injuries. Maybe a new bag like item that would be a military First aid kit (It would have everything neccessary for this and you could store medical items in it. More melee weapons would be a big plus. maybe the ability for passengers to fire weapons from vehicles as well (all depending on the vehicle Like Handguns if you are on the backseat of a dirtbike (Also hoping for 2 seater motorcycles) and larger weapons in the case of being in military vehicles. Other than that all i want is anything but something like WarZ god that was a total waste of money Im glad steam atleast gave me a refund to my steam wallet for it.
  4. The standalone I think is going to take a bit longer for release than anticipated (From what ive gathered myself) However I do not think the standalone will be around 40-60 bucks though I could be wrong. It wont hurt to research more.
  5. Cenewulf

    Monitor losses signal

    That could be a problem with the ports on your video card. is it an onboard GPU or did you go out and buy a video card? Edit: Reason i say video card is because some video cards when they begin to overheat lose signal as a result.
  6. Buy them and come back. People deserve a second chance cept for Sergey and Kewk For the Crap that is War Z.
  7. More melee weapons. Even something like a Steel pipe in the piles of junk on the streets would make things a bit easier as opposed to having to find either a gun, hatchet or a crowbar