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Everything posted by McTwitchy

  1. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I don't know about your thought on classes. You forgot to add pilot too..not many can just hop in a helicopter and learn to fly it, on the fly..like I did. In one aspect it might (keyword might) add some sort of transparent teamplay mechanic..but on another how far would you really want to take it? I also know that I don't like to be pigeon holed into a profession, like in WoW for instance, and liking this game to wow(other then network architecture) really bothers me. Maybe I'm just prejudiced. I do however like your idea of hunger health and fatigue. I don't think you should be able to eat 17 steaks in 3 hours to replenish health..if you did..cue vomit animation.. I think it would be cool and add a bit more immersion in finding shelter if you actually had to find a safe place to sleep for the night(like a bed in fallout). 5 minutes though I don't think would be long enough..unless that was the only way you could add the mechanic..especially since the servers(some of them) are running on real time and not accelerated time. I saw someone say above here something about tracking..with the game going to be server side ran, player tracking could actually work while not devastating the FPS of the client. It would devastate the memory of the server though...but that's why it's a server,not a PC, it's supposed to be devastated.
  2. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Yeah I understand..and btw I would absolutely hate using skill points for character progression. I just thought it'd be cool to have character progression or alteration in your case that would be transparent to the user. No points..I hate points.
  3. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    You are absolutely right. In this case everyone would have blisters and be unable to walk after about 20h of game play. This would mean every survivor would have a finite number of miles to walk until their character 'gave up'. This would, in my opinion destroy character progression. For a character to do the things you stated above would destroy replayability and enforce you to take a second look at your workout/suvivor method. IF I am rucking around, hunting, sleeping in a tent, scavanging and doing well.....I think I would have a respect for a 50lbs ruck to a degree that it wouldn't phase me as much as the layperson. I respect your strive for realism but adding blisters, swollen fingers(some know what I'm talking about), hunger, shakes, sleep depravation, missing your GF at home, needing a fix of BF3, and missing your favorite show of two and ahalf men would affect your character..then it kind of left the realm of a game hasn't it? This game is about immersion..lets pretend you are a deployed soldier that is physically fit and able to run more than a few miles with a bit of weight on his back. I wouldn't disagree to adding sports injuries to the mix at all, I think that would make things very interesting. "Sorry boss, can't go on to get fuel for our camp...got shin splints.." That in my mind would be 'effin awesome. My thoughts were simply...I'm a dude...in the middle of the woods..I ruck around all day eating food and whatnot..eh, I'm better at rucking today then I was a month ago.
  4. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I'm an Army dude as well brother.. I ruck for a lifestyle.. at times.. to be truthful. If I ruck consistently, but not at a forced ruck march 12 hours a day, I get better at it. It's called exercising. You can't balance buildup/maintain/rest periods in for a gameplay character. I appreciate your attempt at realism but this is just not possible. I'm not going to ruck 14 miles one day, and not play the game for the next 3 to give my character a break...I'm curious to see how you would implement character progression in the state of things that is DayZ. I appreciate your feed back btw and by no means am I attacking your post, I'm just trying to explain mine.
  5. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    By pushing the game to all the logic being made on the server and not the cliento,I'd assume zombies will exist without a player's presense respectively. Of course the scope of this would depend on the server hardware. You don't want your ping to suffer from zombies 100k from you. Maybe they'll have static zombies that will "awaken" whenever passed or alerted by a live being..this in my thought process would definately take off some of the pressure on the server. Dude the way Rocket is pushing this beast, it's going to revolutionize the game. So many possibilities to expound on.
  6. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Rocket/Dev team I have a few questions in more regards to intent more then the actual state of the game right now. 1. Weapons: I know you gentlemen are working on making it to were weapons are "entities" so that you can add attachments, ammo, damage etc. How deep do you guys plan on going with this? Do you plan on making it to the point where if you gun takes a round that it is destroyed? Or more of the fallout style where the more use and abuse it loses "points" to where you repair it or it's destroyed. 2. Immersion: I love the immersion that is DayZ. It's not a question I just wanted to point that out and I hope you guys expound on this. I've specifically been looking for a MMO like FPS that is persistent. 3. Game engine: I know this is pretty much like beating a dead horse but I haven't found the answer I've been looking for I suppose. Rocket has made many comments about the engine and I guess I've either been oblivious or maybe my understanding of development is more limited then I thought. My question is this. How much optimization of the engine can possibly occur with the engine that DayZ SA is based on? I understand the architecture between server/client and how that will almost eliminate cheating due to the fact it's much more difficult to inject data into a server then it is a client. Also allow for more features. What of graphics though? I'm running my computer on a i7 2nd gen with a geforce nvidia gtx 560m and I can't play DayZ comfortably on ultra. Would it be possible to optimize the memory and GPU usage so as to increase frame rates? Maybe I'm just shallow but I like pretty. Regardless I believe the graphics on the current DayZ especially with the amount of data being processed for it's size is quite impressive. 4. Server/client: It's been stated that all/most the logic will be made server side. Has this ever been done by a FPS before? If so how was the turn out, pros/cons? I'm glad this is the direction being taken, I'm just curious to how it's going to turn out. 5.Map: After playing DayZ for months, the 255km squared map started to feel a little small. I got a little feeling of been there done that. Would it be possible to attach adjacent maps to the current and for the server's sake maybe have a way on instancing them? I don't like instances but I hate having to start all over on a character whenever I change maps for a change of pace. If this could be done smartly, and not impose on Rocket's design intention, I think the possibilities of exploring would be endless giving massive amount of replayability. Essentially you could have everyone in the DayZ community join the same game and seemlessly be spread out across multiple servers. I don't know if this is possible or feesable but I just think it'd be very interesting. 6. Character progression: Any thoughts on character progression? Again I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I just know if I was rucking around at 4mph for a few months and I'm well fed..I'll be able to up my speed/distance/weight. If I'm not well fed.. well...it'll slow me down, I'll get the shakes, dehydrated, atrophy..lots of bad bad things. Lastly I just want to say thank you guys for bringing this game to the community.
  7. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I personally like steam for the ease of access and if my computer crashes. I'm horrible at finding discs. But Hey man to each his own, interesting point btw.Anyways I'm sure they'll be a site selling DayZ SA just like Arma 2. You'll just have to update it yourself. I'm sure it'll be easier then modding Arma 2 to old school DayZ. In regards to the ToS or EULA. There's just that agree button that makes it go away. I can sleep at night.
  8. McTwitchy

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    I think that's a great idea. It would allow you to repair/clean your weapon so that it would last longer. Granted some weapons like the AK47 for instance don't really need to be cleaned nearly as much as a M4 before you start getting stoppages, which would also add to the so called "value" of a weapon. You'd see individuals picking a AK instead of a M4. Sure, an m-4 with an acog is pretty, but in an austere environment when you aren't regularly cleaning it's going to stop on you(most likely the magazine causing stoppage though). While a rusty AK47 could be dropped in the mud and picked right back up to blast a zombie in the face.