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About houston03302011@gmail.com

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  1. houston03302011@gmail.com


    I think we he posted that he fixed the tent thing he increased the drop rate of them spawning by mistake. I agree that the bug is a little crazy but allowing it easier to place tents and dropping the spawn rate will fix it back to the way it was meant to be.
  2. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    Sounds like you want the zombies removed Horr1d.... sorry but Dayz is meant to have zombies. If you don't want Zombies in your city or loot to spawn then create your own fortified position in the woods.
  3. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Suggestion: Lockable storage/safes

    I kinda like the idea about being able to put combination locks on things. You might actually have stumbled across a great idea with the right amount of tweaking. +1 for you.
  4. houston03302011@gmail.com


    We have walked around and spammed it literally for 2 hours. Crazy part is, we even found a tent on another server then switched servers and tried to put it in the same spot and it still did not work.
  5. houston03302011@gmail.com


    I love this game and love playing it when I have the free time but until the Tent situation gets fixed its almost impossible to play. My group gathers loot, controls areas to get the things we need but we can not stockpile our surplus because we can not set up tents. The latest patch was suppose to fix them but we have not been able to set a tent anywhere since. I hope it gets fixed so the enjoyment of getting together loads of Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Ammo, Food, Water etc so when one of our members dies he can just grab a backpack of gear and get back into the action. I know Rocket is working hard to get these things fixed and I have faith that his team and him will its just a little annoying.
  6. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    Ravenger....if it is server based like Tents it won't clog up the 225 KM map...Your arguement is invalid sir.
  7. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    I agree. The only "bases" that should implemented are the ones that are already in place. Sand bags and Wire. You should requiret someone to guard the base. If someone sneaks in and takes loot then its your lose because your secruity was bad. We have a very fortified base that many people won't see.
  8. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    I guess that could be implemented but I feel that it would make the "map" or "world" more traveled if people didn't all stash up into the same cities. If it was all player made cities then it would allow for people to travel. Leave the NPC cities to allow new players to get some gear and learn the game.
  9. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Safe Zones.

    Safe zones are a terrible idea. Getting together with a group and setting up a fortifying area is the only way to go about it. We have a group of like 15 that has a base set up with sand bags and wire fencing. We defend it and take control over the city we are in. We are not "RPKS" (Random Player Killers) We defend our area of operations. Get in and get out. Its our motto.
  10. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    I don't think the "NPC" cities, should be able to be used. I think player developed fortifications should have to be made. If not what is the point of having sand bags and wire?
  11. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Creating a fire, and having it not appear.

    We have made fires since the patch. Even put it inside of a building.
  12. houston03302011@gmail.com

    Allow the settling of towns

    I think it would be a good idea but I think you shouldn't be able to occupy a town that is already placed. My group has built a "military camp" with Sand bags and wire fencing. The addition to add "guard towers" would be pretty sweet. Generator to allow light towers to work wouldn't be bad either. Allows for clans/groups of players to build off the land. Also, allowing Tents to be placed would be amazing, lol.
  13. houston03302011@gmail.com

    The Problems With Tents

    We have everything we need....except placing tents. We have a base lined up with Sand Bags, Wire Fencing, Vechicles but can't place a tent. I hope this gets fixed in the next patch. I feel that people can't succesfully branch out knowing that they have no where to store extra materials. Please Rocket fix this and I won't have any other problems with the game.