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Everything posted by Snilex

  1. Nej vi har lugnat oss. Det ligger till så att vi spelade på en otroligt bra server först, en Amerikansk server. Vi hade en riktigt stor bas, och det var mest bara friendly spelare på den servern. Men adminen bytte till DayZ 2017 så då gav vi upp att spela där. Kändes helt värdelöst att förlora allt arbeta vi hade lagt ner. Vi hade 1 SUV, 1 quad, 2 helis, 2 bussar, 1 Ural, 1 Gaz, and 1 UAZ och nån till bil. Vi hade vapen, ammo, mat, dricka, medicin för att kunna sitta och grilla och sjunga visor i månader. Lite surt tyckte vi så vi letade en ny server och det kräves ett par server hopp innan vi hittade en perfekt server. Nu har vi hittat en men jag kan höra med Wedin, kanske kan hitta nånting under tiden. Hej. Va kul att du är intresserad, det gillar vi. Själv är jag 26, bor i Uppsala. Började spela DayZ i slutet av October tror jag det var. Jag kan också spela ganska ofta, är arbetslös så har tid. Dock hjälper jag till med massa djur dagligen eller ibland så kanske blir tvungen att logga ut en timme lite här och där. Förstår din spelstil, det kan vara tröttsamt att bli dödad av andra spelare. Har inte haft den turen så himla mycket, har ju för det mesta spelat på servrar med lite mindre folk på, men servrar som har spelare som spelar där dagligen. Så länge du inte kör en KoS typ av spelstil när du lirar med oss så är vi nöjda. Spelar du ensam på den server vi kommer spela dagligen på så hoppas vi också att du kan köra den goda sidan av karma. Vi kommer ju bygga upp en bas och ha vapen och skulle det vara så att du dör när du är ensam av en annan spelare eller av någon annan anledning och inte hittar kroppen. Så kan du ju alltid ropa till om någon är online på skype(Vilket du/ni använder hoppas jag), så kan vi hämta upp dig och ge dig vapen, ammo och det som behövs för att slippa börja om från början. :)
  2. Okej, men det låter skit bra. Jag ropar till så fort servern är uppe och rullar som vi väntar på. :)
  3. Just nu är servern vi spelar på nere. Norsken som äger den ska fixa den inom ett par dagar sa han. Vi förlorade 7 bilar, 1 fyrhjuling, 2 helikoptrar och 3 tält. Han vet inte varför det hände men han ska ordna upp en ny server med nya patchen så hoppas vi att vi inte förlorar nåt mer. Men jag kommer att ropa till här direkt när den är uppe så håll utkik. Men du kan gärna berätta lite mer om din spelstil. Det är väldigt bra om det passar in med vår spelstil, vi åker oftast runt i helikopter och lootar, letar fordon för att ha en stabil och stor bas. Det är bra för att rusta upp nya medlemmar, så förhoppningsvis kommer vi kunna ge dig det nödvändigaste. Lirar du med oss så glöm inte [sIA]dittnamn bara.
  4. Snilex

    DayZ Mod Update

    Hahaha Oh my, I don't know if it's that I'm tired but I loved that respond. I coudln't agree with you more. :)
  5. Snilex

    DayZ Mod Update

    You made an AWESOME job with making all weapons doing exactly the same noise(Excluding SD's). Sad for such a great idea of a game I must say, I like it hard but seriously?
  6. Snilex

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    I love how some people talk about "skills" when all of you who even mention it doesn't know what it exactly means. Your definition of "skill" is a game mechanic that make YOU better. While the real definition of skill means you GET better at the game. Gotto love how some people refuse to realize that some people are better than them so they need some skill based mechanic to help them to become better instead of learning the god damn game. I'm far from a skilled player(The correct definition of skill that is) and I'll probably not become one of those players either. But unlike all you kiddos, I can accept that and enjoy playing anyways. This problem have always existed, but the biggest problem today is that retarded game developers actually listen to these noobs and ruin the game completely. If you suck, learn, if you can't learn, then enjoy your level of skill. If you can't enjoy it, games are probably not your type of hobby you should be spending time on. Go out and play soccer or an actual sport like dirt bike, snowmobile, quad, what ever. But hey, if you wanna go out say "Hey girl, wanna come home to me and play DayZ and eat a pizza?" instead of "Hey girl, I drive dirt bikes" and be 100% laid that night. Just saying. :)
  7. Snilex

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Then find another game to play. COD and BF seem to be a good game for you. DayZ is not suppose to be easy. This have been said plenty of times, it's a survival simulator. It means that this game is suppose to be as close to a real life event where Zombies are suppose to be an enemy. And by looking at all Zombie movies, there are always bad guys. And trust me, if zombies came, they wouldn't run around destroying all military weapons. It's not like helicopters, some weapons that some people think will be to good with the wrong/right person behind and some other things would just go with the wind if an event like in DayZ would happend in real life. I think if something like this would happen in real life. I'm 100% sure people would try to get the best weapon and as much of it as they can and try to survive. And don't answer with that lame 13-year-old-i-suck-at-games sentence "This is just a game". We all know! And nobody is forced to buy the standalone so thank god you wont be there. I among many other people will buy the game if they promise it will stay hard and not a game where they spoonfeed the gamers like Blizzard decide to do with World of Warcraft.
  8. Snilex

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    The problem with headshots is that those that whine about Snipers can't aim that good WITH a sniper. I know I couldn't but i still think they should remain and be unchanged. I shoot in the body, one shot in the body is gonna give me plenty of time to finish my target off. That target wont have the time to get up and fix himself by the time I fire next shot so it doesn't really matter if you need one or two shots. The ending is gonna be the same. Then again, I don't use snipers that often and I don't tend to kill other players... But when I do...
  9. Snilex

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Jesus christ... I remember the days when games had weapons that one shot people and nobody started to whine about "unbalancing" or "Remove that weapon, it's to OP!!" Then came WoW and the nerf bomb went off. Now all of a sudden EVERYTHING that kills ANYONE faster than that person could have shot you is overpowered. I'm to old for this shit. About the weapons, I love the M107. I don't use it very much, in fact I haven't used any sniper rifle at all to kill any body. I've shot some trees and zombies and scared the fucking shit out of a friend but that's it. I don't think they should be remove from the game. I look at it this way, what's the difference between a sniper that takes 2 shots and 1 shots? Nothing really, with two shots you get hit and bleed ALOT and you get some broken legs, now you can't move very good, and before you realize to get your inventory up, use a morphine, bandage, standing up, run away you have probably been dead for 20 seconds. So basicly the difference is that you can think one thought extra with getting hit by 2 bullets that one bullets. Like this "Oh no I got shot...... Damn" But one bullet it's this "Oh no, I got shot.... restarting/logged out."
  10. Snilex

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    The only problem that I've notice is that while in vehicles, you can change the cameraview with your mouse. Or maybe I'm the only one who had this problem on a server without Crosshair.
  11. Snilex

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    Kind of lost the point of what DayZ is all about did you?
  12. Snilex

    Clothing/outfit suggestions

    Don't mind him, he is a no lifer who sits on 4chan all day long and troll people as soon as he get's a chance. He doesn't know anything about copyright anyways. AND he is 19 years old, not so much hair on his balls yet. Gotto hide that shit and try to be cool. Anyway. I think that yes, more worn clothing should be put in the game, but I actually think they are on that already or atleast thinking of adding something like it in the near future. I for one would love to run around with a worn cowboy hat and a leather coat to look as bad ass as I can. Clint eastwood style!
  13. Snilex

    Skins [SA]

    Don't people read the devs updates before they suggest things? As far as I know skins wont be a part of SA, you will have different cloths to put on instead of skins.
  14. Jesus christ, people who get owned by Snipers and think they should be removed are people that needs to be removed. Yeah sure, I hate snipers too but that doesn't make it legit that the devs should remove Snipers because I get owned by them. I got killed by a Zombie ones, REMOVE THEM!! The sniper issue will be better in SA since snipers wont be able to know if there is a person in a town by looking for Zombies so that issue is corrected. I think they should keep sniper rifles, they are excellent for dropping a friend of at some place and have that person be a look out futher away. I don't know how many Zombies my friend have cleared for me while I loot around, but many. And other people use them to kill other players, yeah that's one of the aspect in this game, why should they remove it just because you think they you should walk around without risking anything? Snipers, Bandits, Zombies, they are a great thing in the game that gives this game abit of a thrill. Me and my friend have most weapons in our camp, everythink from AK's to Snipers. But we are also scavangers, we mostly run around looting things, killing zombies. So an M240, FN FAL, Shotgun, or a Sniper is not ideal. they either make to much noise or they are worthless in close encounters. My friend tend to be dumb enough to take a Sniper with him most of them time, but rarly uses it. I always use an M4 assault rifles with or without silencer depending on or stock of mags. It's a great gun, 2 shots and Zombies are down, they don't make alot of sound which keeps the zombie aggro minimal. If we are going to interact with other players we don't know, I mostly pick the MK 48 or a FN FAL depending on the mood I'm in, MK 48 mod 0 is awesome to make another player afraid, the FN FAL is I'd say the best rifle to take care of another player in a close combat. But that's just me, I don't kill anyone on sight, there is no pleasure in it. Unless it is a bandit, that's a pleasure to kill. :)
  15. Except that in SA you will be able to enter ALL those buildings and not just one, and sometimes none. :D
  16. Snilex

    DayZ MMO

    Simple MMO might have been a bad example, but let's call it a Survival simulator MMO for what it is. And I'm not comparing it to an MMORPG which LOTR is. At the moment the only game that can be compared to DayZ is, I'm sorry to say this and regret that I'll.. WarZ, WarZ beeing as bad as burned old eggs.(Judging by it's reputation). Like I said, it's not impossible to do, far from it but maybe they are restricted to a budget. You mentioned CryEngine, which is a great engine. This could be a very nice suggestion. Then again, they are working on an engine already so we'll see how it all turn out. I wouldn't mind them using CryEngine though, it seem to be a fairly cheap engine though, seeing as a few smaller game companies are using it. XLGames, ArcheAge for example is using it(NOT to be compared with DayZ now) if you have heard of that game, if not look it up. South Korean MMORPG which have a lot of potential.
  17. Since there is no section for threads about anything that circle around the game that doesn't have to do with bandit, Survival, guides, videos, suggestions. I thought I just take a section and make this thread. I've searched, didn't find a single thing about it. Maybe because I'll not go through all the threads that has ZERO to do with what I'm searching for. So if this issue has been taken up please link it to me. That'd be great. Anyhow, I open DayZ Commander, boom I should register my mail adress, so I did, not really afraid of viruses or something, I got a pretty good antivirus and I don't open mails I no nothing about. I have played WoW since 2005, never got my account hacked ones so I'm pretty sure of what can be a scam mail and not. So yeah, it said "100 first gets a ket to the closed beta" or something like that. Hey it's DayZ Commander, would the devs let people use it to play DayZ if it's gonna give us virus or be hacked? Doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile, on twitter the devs said bla bla, don't trust websites about closed beta keys, yet nothing about DayZ Commander. And no body seem to be wondering about it either, I couldn't find a thread about it, from anyone who might be worried. So, what's the info about it? Or is this the kind of thing we'll have to deal with? Nothing or hints of information about anything from the devs?
  18. Snilex

    DayZ Commander

    Thank you, now my frustration is calmed down. :)
  19. Ejecting from a heli not far enough for a parachute, but far enough to break all bones and die.
  20. Snilex

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I'd support it as long as it doesn't affect shoulder aiming.
  21. Snilex

    DayZ MMO

    Let's compare Gran Turismo 5 to World of Warcraft while we are at it. You compare an MMORG game to a simple MMO game? Yeah, no.. I think you should look your games up. Talking about impossible, I don't think so. And isn't said by Rocket that they will not use Arma 2 Engine in the Standalone so I'm wondering why people always bringing it up everywhere. If I'm correct I read something Rocket had said, they are making a new engine or atleast modify it, modifying it will make it a new engine anyway so. But yeah, not impossible, maybe impossible for the Mod, but not the Standalone. Then again we have to think about what kind of budget they are working with, will they be able to afford servers that can carry it all? I think that's the question.
  22. Don't make DayZ SA a casual game. To many games have gone down in ruins by greedy and stupid developers. All DayZ needs is tweaks in character behaviour and so on.
  23. Snilex

    Night time should be toned down

    Sounds like a very good idea.. No it doesn't, some of us others like night. just because you think it's hard to play during night doesn't mean those who like it should be forced to play your way. If it's always night time on the server you play on, I'd say you are doing it wrong. Find a server that have the perfect time-zone that fits your gamehours. This is an "issue" that is in the category that can be avoided if you are doing it wrong. Either adapt like everyone else and stop complaining or find a server that fits your hours OR go back to CoD or Battlefield.
  24. Snilex

    Firehouse / Schoolhouse Weapons?
