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Everything posted by Marcellus_Wallace

  1. all i know of my friend is that i kill u and ur bitch friend MerleDixon, yesterday or the day before with a AS50 at the industriel area at Elektro ;) i did not loot ur bodys
  2. SLAVES if u can carry a person that is knocked out then you have to drag them all the way back to your bunker locatian. if they quit the server when u r dragging them then it turns into a Slave AI (same thing but it does disapear like that) once u enter into ur bunker then the slave is automatically chained to a bed and u can perform actians like Slap, Waterbored and stuff. maybe some chains too. and so if u really want and u r dragged by someone u can stay conected and even always log in inside his bunker but u r chained up so u cant do anything but if he came back u could talk.. i hope you like my ideas thankyou
  3. Marcellus_Wallace

    How BUNKERS should look and how to impliment SLAVES

    i dont take picture in 720p that is why i think
  4. Marcellus_Wallace

    How BUNKERS should look and how to impliment SLAVES

    how to ascend a BARREL of shit out of the bunker when its full? Pulley systeme?
  5. Marcellus_Wallace

    Survival techniques are to PC

    what is it your favoris flavor of corn?
  6. Marcellus_Wallace

    Survival techniques are to PC

    Nico watch Hostel or Hills Have Eyes or something and chill the fuck out. or try to play Man Hunt or Postal 1 , 2 or 3 ?
  7. Marcellus_Wallace

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    i would like it if u really can look down and see your guts hanging out and you select actian Hold Guts In , then start to scream Momma Momma just like at saving private ryan
  8. Marcellus_Wallace

    How BUNKERS should look and how to impliment SLAVES

    fixed for you man! do anyone have one picture of a bucket in Arma 2?
  9. Marcellus_Wallace

    trading FAL NV or m14 for ghillie or DMR

    I have a DMR + 2 mags for sale, PM if u r still looking for one