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About Dayzrr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dayzrr

    Looking for a youtube partner.

    Skype: ill pm u my Skype Age: 14 Location: Vancouver canada Scale (1-10) gun skills: 7 Do you play like a bandit?: sometimes sometimes not I can do either Special Skills: I'm a great pilot I know a lot about the game, I can record in 1080p without lag on high detail
  2. Omg this explains so much a while back a couple of friends were unable to find my server I wasn't able to find out why but a week later they were able to find jt I remember now that I changed data center in that week.
  3. Dayzrr

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    I think people are getting obsessed with removing high value gear because it has become easy to obtain with all the hacks and dupes of dayz mod, you can't forget that in standalone these hacks and dupes will hopefully be patched making it incredibly hard to find the high value items such as snipers and ghillies
  4. Ya it should have some penalty but of course you have to think about when peoples game or computer crashes and try have no control over it
  5. Dayzrr

    Frame rate problem?

    Ya to run Arma on Max you'll need a 5ghz+ sandy bridge i7 and crossfire 7970's it's a very bad optimized game I haven't seen more than 30fps on max settings with my 5.3ghz 2700k
  6. Dayzrr

    Is this fps alright?

    Dayz is VERY CPU intensive with my 5ghz I7 2700k and crossfire 7959's maximum settings averages 30fps If I down clock the CPU to 3.5ghz the fps drops to around 7 so until you have a faster CPU it will just have to be played on low settings