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FnMag (DayZ)

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Everything posted by FnMag (DayZ)

  1. 0600 UTC (-6UTC or 1200 CST), did not receive the warnings. Neither Avantar nor I received them and we were in conversation over Comms at that time.
  2. FnMag (DayZ)

    Looking For Rmod Servers

    You can come check us out! New and need a medic for a blood transfusion? Maybe a little food? We have Medics in Heli's to come help you out !! http://dayzmod.com/f...vate-ts-server/
  3. Just an FYI Dom.: No warning prior to server going down for restart. No 15, 10, 5 or 1 minute warnings.
  4. Thank goodness!! It has been d a r k out. I know we talked briefly about me doing the doc thing, I'd still like to do it. Hat, no coat for me.
  5. Had a great time today even if some Banditos took me for a ride and executed me on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere.. :-) You know who you are. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice won't be happening... After being executed, I ended up just outside Electro.. Managed to get myself geared back up a lot quicker than before, so it's all good. I appreciated the two Brits who patched me up in Cherno at the building under construction !! A big thanks to you guys! TWD is about to come on, I'll be in after that. See you in game