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Everything posted by orphanstephen

  1. orphanstephen

    Taviana, how good is it??

    Its not chernarus, and it doesn't play by the same rules. You found some gear, big whoop. Now try to find some food before you freeze to death clutching your fancy gun.
  2. ArmA2 is one of the the only current FPS games to really support head tracking (Head movement independent of body) so its a pretty good bet that it will work great with the rift. I finally built a freetrack setup over the weekend. The video above does a good job explaining. they really should be using arma2 to demo the thing. The demos they use just map head movement to mouse XY. I'm pretty excited about the rift. I've been waiting for affordable consumer VR for over 20 years now. Looks like it might be happening this time. SA Should work as well. I just bought Take on Helicopters to try it out with freetrack but I haven't set it up yet. here is a video that shows why Arma2 is ready for something like the rift
  3. orphanstephen

    v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]

    i was thinking something like 1 per minute as a base.
  4. orphanstephen

    v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]

    Just as much chance as doing it to someone else... probably more. Also blunt axes should do just as much damage as sharp ones when used on people/zombies. I can see not being able to chop wood. there should be no instant blood fixes. there should be a constant slow blood gain, blood bags should double or triple it. being fed maybe 1.5. being sick should stop it.
  5. orphanstephen

    141 Dayz and counting

    I think it only counts days you log in. even if only for a couple minutes. It's not really a metric for accomplishment.
  6. I play a lot of namalsk and have never been hit by the EVR. I encountered the missle heli last night for the first time (and nearly ganked it). It could be pretty devastating but with this guy I just stood in a tree till he flew away.
  7. orphanstephen

    Build Discussion

    Technically the language is the same already, you want the alphabet the same, Latin instead of Cyrillic .
  8. they don't spawn on server restart anymore. read the whole changelog.
  9. orphanstephen

    Build Discussion

    Heli crashes on the marked on the map sounds bad. I like the random timing though. Maybe AI helis programmed to crash. It would be cool to see a smoking heli fly over and crash in the distance then have to find it.
  10. orphanstephen

    Proof that bags are too small

    I would like to see an encumbrance system with weight for every item and run speed adjusted accordingly, like a slow jog with a full pack and running only for short distances. maybe with a way to quickly drop your pack to run away. I think certain items should stack in your pack (not in quick slots), heat-packs to 10, mags to 5 for instance. Sidearms should not take 5 spaces. I also would like to be able to switch the the axe without dropping or stowing my primary. Vehicle parts are a problem and will never be realistic (lets see you run with 40 liters of fuel on your back). I think the slots they take are fair but should slow you down quite a bit. 2 primarys in a big pack seems realistic enough.
  11. orphanstephen

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I'm pretty sure I just saw bigfoot on Namalsk
  12. I wish they would add in some wandering zombies with the animals. seeing a zombie from a vehicle should not be a 100% positive there is a player around. I also hope they get a spawn animation, something like crawling up out of the ground, I hate the zombie dump when entering a town, partially because its ugly and partially because it lets me know I'm most likely alone. there should be at lest a couple lurkers in every town
  13. orphanstephen

    What do you do in DayZ?

    I get all geared up and then get bored and set myself up overlooking an airfield or something then log off. move on to another hive and repeat. Then I log back in when the server is full and grab a couple cheap kills.
  14. orphanstephen buggy?

    vehicles appear to save correctly now too. Although my van was transformed to an off-road by the update. I only played for an hour but in that time I found 2 heli crash sites (within 600m of each other) including an as50, dmr, and nvgs. I also found a tractor and repaired my truck fully (engine and chassis). Maybe just lucky today.
  15. was tooling around in my PBX and hit "p", Battleye kick for script restriction... now treading water at 194138, 5450 meters off the coast. I've been hopping servers for hours trying to get spawned on the beach. TIA EDIT: nevermind I SWAM the whole way back!
  16. was tooling around in my PBX and hit "p", Battleye kick for script restriction... now treading water at 194138. I've been hopping servers for hours trying to get spawned on the beach. TIA Nevermind I swam the 6000 meters back
  17. orphanstephen

    US #500 kicking any non clan members

    there are about 20 us#500's which one?
  18. orphanstephen

    Post food you would like to see in DayZ

    i want to be able to gut survivors.
  19. orphanstephen

    The game isn't horrifying.

    is a horror mod, sorry guys. and I agree, need more scary!
  20. orphanstephen

    Simulating Morality?

    The game isn't reality. its survival horror. the players you kill should come back as zombies, and chase you forever!
  21. orphanstephen

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    most of them don't even check your gear, and if they do they just want beans and a coke
  22. orphanstephen

    So do we need a way.

    they could just grey out the respawn button until you find a knife or a gun.
  23. Releasing Dayz standalone doesn't rule out that it could be built on a customized version of the ARMA III (or II) engine. I think it unlikely that rocket is going to build an engine from scratch even with a good sized team. You might have to buy "ARMA II: DayZ" all over again to play!
  24. orphanstephen

    You kidding me...

    Why would you wait an hour? you always spawn in debug when it takes that long. wait a couple minutes and if it wont load go play somewhere else.
  25. orphanstephen

    i wanna get a car or something

    there is an ATV at us742 on top of klen right now! coordinates 115041, needs everything! no I'm not camping it. I even put some extra steaks in the trunk.