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Posts posted by Nihilum

  1. OP wants to strap an improvised supressor on the end of a compensator?

    Dear OP: Compensator

    A suppressor acts in a similar way to a compensator, as BigMike said. 



    Not. At. All. At least not in any concise sense.

    Compensators direct gas to... compensate... for recoil in the designated direction allowing the shooter to feel less perceived muzzle climb.

    Suppressors trap and nullify escaping gasses in a series of baffles that kills the sound of the expanding gas from a round but don't effect muzzle climb.

    One is directing the gas; one is nullifying it. The only thing similar is that they are both devices that focus function around residual gas from the barrel.

    Neither one effects the actual super sonic crack of the round itself... which is why subsonic ammo exists... Oh how I wish this game had subsonic rounds.


  2. Yeah, I am still not seeing what all the fuss is about.  As long as I haven't just run a marathon, the sway is really not that hard to combat.


    Meh, QQ will always happen about anything.

    From a fresh spawns POV, when you're getting chased by the current t-1000 terminator zombies that spot you from 200m out... running is all you do... Factor that in.

    Sure you can hit them if you have rounds to spare, but not when you're a fresh spawn with a .22 and only 5 rounds you have to feed individually. (and no melee weapon)

    My opinion, make the sway shorter but faster, like shaking hands and exhaustion would produce IRL. Serves the same purpose at range but doesn't cause you to miss a guaranteed shot at less than 1 meter. (statistically)



    Also the sway is relatively accurate although I can't compare to being out fo breath and shooting as I shoot at the range and have never been in such a situation.

    LOL -- I couldn't hit a zombie in the head from less than a meter away with a .22 (no mag). It's overboard. Way too much side to side play. 

    It needs to strike a balance of enough sway to throw shots off at say 100m vs not shooting like diabetic with low blood sugar who also happens to have Parkinsons at less than 5m.

  4. now u have my unparted attention ! 


    Munson-fry is listening very closley.



    AHNNNND ? 

    ... Don't play...

    Lmfao, seriously. Got geared the first two months haven't played and I have bugged and broken things in my inventory left and right that no longer have names, descriptions or pictures attached to them; some of these are useable and yet ruined. It's great.

    Makes me feel like the inigma from the first pokemon games. Bugged, useless... but oh so rare

  5. Hello there


    Let's not compare this person to Rosa Parks. No comparison.


    What this guy did was wrong. There's NO moral crusade behind it, even if he tries to claim there is.


    Dont get me wrong, Im all for freedom fighting, I've been on Anti Fascist Marches myself, were we we assaulted by police who were "protecting" the violent skinheads from a peaceful march, in fact my family has somewhat of a history of fighting extremists.





    Well... I think an ignorant/racist white person might have said the same thing. ;) (not at all calling you ignorant/racist, orlok <3)

    The whole "you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours" method of predetermined server destributors is wrong. Flat out. It's a new trend and one that limits the longevity of a game.

    Now if the server config files were sold to customers who could then use their own dedicated server -- that's different.

    Maintains developer control without restricting the consumer to shoddy server providers. EA <_<

    Anyway, I know domo, I know his record. He's a bit of  a grey hat, white hat and black hat blend to be honest. I still trust in his word that he wont release the files... at least for now... just don't add a cash shop ;)

    Hell, I would have given him a job, considering he exposed a huge backdoor before the game released. At least mega and him agreed that the dayz source code wasn't dyslexic and autistic garbage like warz one.


    • Like 1

  6. Hello there


    I always thought there was no honour amongst thieves?


    There's a lot in the world I dont agree with but I dont breeak the law because I dont like or dont agree with something.


    Its not Wiki leaks its a game. He's not fighting against humanitarian exploitation or abuse.


    These are MY opinions I dont know what the Devs think or any of the mods.


    I think if it suits him he will release the code. He may think he is a robin hood character. He is not.





    Nah, he's the same guy who hacked the War Z source code and never released it even when offered various payments from people. ($100 - $1000 USD)

    (it was hacked again by novice a-holes later down the road, becuase their security was so shit and released)

    He contemplated fixing the Warz then releasing it, but Domo said the code was complete garbage and not worth the mass amount of effort to try and fix/update, and that he didn't want people playing the turd of a game.

    P.S. The whole "Don't break the law" thing ... well... sometimes it's needed.  I mean... Rosa Parks anyone?

    I don't agree with the fact he targeted Dayz over say -- BF4 (and it's rediculously overpriced and underpreforming server rental requirments) but I haveto chalk that up to lack of security... so he did you a favor for the future there.

  7. Isn't Nether the same thing as WarZ anyway? Not really surprising me then, to be honest.

    Really is.

    Did some digging and Patrick "Kewk" Bowmen (warz nazi-like community manager and Titov's right hand man) is promoting the game heavily and giving out a ton keys. Keys he couldnt possibly pull out of thin air. Now add in the fact the patents were filed by arktos/hammerpoints/opp's lawyer they've used for previous games and the fact Kewk was supposed to have "left" OP productions LLC. BUT:

    If you go to the warz/iss steam forum, you'll see a lot of posts from "The Doctor Is In" claiming  to be a normal player touting the game and why you should buy while stifling the launch facts and claiming it wasn't true, when in fact it's actually Kewks alias/pseudonym.

    Meaning he's currently involved with both Nether and The Warz/ISS and his and hammerpoints stepping down was just a PR stunt to gain ISS sales VIA tricking people into thinking things changed behind the scenes. (they haven't.. at all... in fact they're now claiming the community manager is zombert... the zendesk support guy who copies and pastes replies.)

    Basically, they stopped making as much money with the warz and decided to open up another scam venture. $x2

    Hence why the game just went from early access to release with out the nessary content... just like the war z/iss

    So be warned... even at $3 usd, avoid the game with a ten foot fucking pole.

    • Like 3

  8. Nah, they're half way decent people with a point.

    This new model of server hosting/rental (IE: buy server space from our partners or F-off) is counter productive to a games growth and long term survivability.

    EA is obviously the worse offender here, but the whole practice is ass backwards and limiting.

    Power to them, even if that's a decenting opinion on here.

    If Domo said he won't release the code, he won't release the code. Honor among thieves type.

  9.  using that map to set waypoints with your compass could make it more useful not an entirely useless waste of precious inventory space.

    Fixed for you Groover.

    (p.s. don't smight me)



    Well i bought the game for survival.. and personally feel that it sort of defeats the purpose when you have a large see all map with loot locations and fountains etc marked out for easy access.

    and, if there was one map of the area that would be fine -- but in a survival games backstory, who decided to cut a map in halves and quarters that magically fit together in the same scale? Was there a bunch of people that said "gee, I don't need this whole map of the same scale, that takes up the same amount of space either way" *rip rip rip* "see, it's much better in tiny barely usefull pieces"

    It's a two way hang-up. The 3rd party map is overly usefull to the point of almost cheating where the ingame sections of maps are just pointless inventory space wasted in the vain hope you stumble accross another section that fits with yours to avoid lost space... which you never do, so you end up with 3-4 map halfs and quarters that don't go together and waste space.

    If it was like the mod and said maps didn't take up your main inventory space, it'd be totally reasonable. I mean, it's peice of paper that somehow takes up as much space as a full stack of amuntion, food, medical supplies, a knife -- you get where this is going.

    A peice of paper. Something that could easily be folded and stuck in your boot or down your jimmies, or under your hat -- point being, not taking up nonsensical space.


    • Like 1

  10. Why would you assume that he hops around low pop servers? I like to play on full servers and I see the hoppers appearing left and right at NEAF, like winged ant queens popping out of the ground on the first rains of Spring.


    I could just as well assume that you never played the game or the mod, you just watch twitch streams, so you've never experienced the BS of securing a building/area only to have someone magically spawn in behind you and shoot you in the back.


    You people have obviously never made a 40+ minute trip to an airfield, only to get into the Military Prison/baracks, clear it and have 4-5 people spawn in the cell below you, one after the other.

    That sound is the only thing that saved me from being REALLY, REALLY pissed.

    Sound needs to come back, or there needs to be restrictions on where people can log out and back into.

    If you don't agree you might as well throw up as giant sign that says: " QQ I'm a closet server hopper, fuck you and your anti-hopping logic while I hide behind my invalid argument of 'twasn't in mod hurdur'. Now i'm off to hop servers until I find exactly what I want. QQ "

    The only thing that the abomination known as 'The War Z/ ISS' ever did right was removing the ability to log into towns/cities (the single respawn point  they used per city/town was utterly retarded though... avoid that)

    • Like 6

  11. What 3 places based on watching us enter the building could he have possibly shot me from? just curious



    Edit: BTW I don't expect people to listen through the part where I'm dead, but if you do you can hear my buddy reacting to what's happening and explaining it.

    The question is how did he see said person in the wall when he was upstairs or without getting shot when he came into view himself...

    Still looks like you got blasted from the end of the hall your friend never checked.


  12. I wish I misunderstood, unfortunately I didn't. A lot of people around here will get all over your back because you are asking for better mouse input, they think the current implementation is realistic and will accuse you of wanting to turn DayZ in to a twitch ego shooter. It happens every time the subject comes up.

    Because that's what asking for 1:1 input will do on server based game -- instantly stupid looking to everyone else. Massive desyncs will ensue. Just a whole realm of bullshit that shouldnt be opened.

  13. 1:1 input isn't a good thing but the negtive mouse acceleration that A2 and DayZ have is bit too much. Negative mouse acceleration could work or at least I like how A3 negative mouse acceleration feels over the 1:1 input but most people don't use it because they don't want disadvantage. I hope they hit the sweetspot some day but for now movement and input doesn't feel good at all.

    Oh, I wholly agree it could be better, but not this twitch shooter like what's being called for -- they're not taking into account the fact first person and third person are one in the same in the RV engine. Other games get away with this because of the smoke an mirror separation between what you're doing in first person, and what's happening (what everyone else is seeing) with your avatar in third, a separation of transitional animations

  14. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/13/call-of-duty-red-orchestra-2-interview/

    Call of Duty "has almost ruined a generation of shooter players..." 

    Edit: to spell it out -- allowing you to have the 1-1 input you all crave -- the ability to [what will be perceived by anyone watching you] instantly about face is stupid for a simulator and would make things look really wonky/glitchy in terms of character animations, and kills the "weight" of the character.

    Also, you should all disable the built in acceleration in windows, as I suspect the game at this point doesn't do anything to disable it, making it appear even worse than previous arma titles, in addition to input lag from the server on your character.

    Control Panel\Ease of Access\Ease of Access Center\Set up Mouse Keys


  15. Pro KOS Replies only..NO Bitching




    1. Was on the rocks of Kamyshovo with a Moison yesterday morning dialing my rifle in shooting at re-spawns obviouslyv :P

    So pro. I wish there a "give AIDS" button in addition to give beans, because you sir are a douchetastical cumdumpster for camping freshspawns.  :lol: (no, not butthurt, just stating a fact)

    The level of narcissistic asshole in the thread is off the charts, though.  :(

    • Like 4

  16. The only things that get effectively "ruined/damaged" are: 

    -Weapons (though they lack a status, the will eventually not fire when ruined)
    -Sight mods (as the graphical effect impedes usefulness)
    -Magazines (will not longer load into weapon)
    -Protective gear (ceases to protect as well)

    everything else is pretty much a place holder status with stat effects.

  17. yeah, unless they stole both your steam and your email info, there's no way to hack a steam account.

    Theoretically possible if your friend was dumb enough to DL a random .exe but then it's his fault for lacking the brain power to deduce or look into things.

    I myself had my arma II OA key stolen downloading custom skins with an installer and made a huge stink about it, but was told the same -- hence the big ol' warning in the mod section about DLing unauthorized programs as most were in fact key loggers collecting keys to turn around and sell on the same or similar sites.

  18. No need for that edit and that *ironic smile*. I knew what all of that talk was about. And, that's completely different. I never said I support hacking. I don't use any hacking software to play this game, I kill people fairly, killing people is completely different from hacking. You do whatever you want, but you hack in my server, I'll report you, laugh at you when you get banned.


    So all of that talk doesn't make any sense.



    Right now, those ruined supplies and ammo are as useful as the pristine ones.

    except guns... and magazines... and attachments... and stuff with protective properties

  19. And it's exactly that kind of attitude that makes this even an issue and nurtures the so called "elitism" of the folks readily willing to give up some perks for a more plausible gaming experience.

    I can understand that you guys WANT 3PP. What I can't understand is that you NEED it that desperately. My guess is except for some people really not able to stand 1PP only it's merely a lack of motivation to undergo the process of adapting.


    Now, do you have anything to contribute to this topic of improving 3PP?

    Because FPP is a broken clunky mess that causes you to get hung up everywhere on everything.  :D 

    TPP gives you a sense of bodily awareness, making navigating cramped spaces A LOT less frustrating.  B) 

  20. Same shit happened to me when I raided the NE airfield... except I wasn't camping and had to gunfight my through server hoppers in and back out of the building (Idky I even bother making sure the surrounding area is clear when i raid a building, considering) 

    The plus side is, I won and collected all their good supplies and ammo -- unfortunately someone shot me and broke my fnx45  :wacko: that little pistol took a bullet for me.

    I've determined any server with 10 or less people is at least most if not entirely comprised of server hoppers.

    Above anything else, server hopping needs to be addressed -- as it's completely destroying loot distribution, and skewing peoples perception on how difficult it is to find loot, making them in turn server hop themselves. Sad and vicious cycle.  :( 
